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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />RFP NO.: 16 -087 <br />ON -CALL RIGHT OF WAY COORDINATOR <br />SCOPE OF WORT{ <br />Introduction and Backaround: <br />The City of Santa Ana is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to qualified Right of Way Coordinator <br />firms to provide right -of -way coordinating services for the City of Santa Anna Public Works Agency on an <br />as- needed, basis, From the proposals received, it is the City's goal to select one firm. The City will enter <br />into agreement with firm for a. not to exceed amount of $300,000. <br />Minimum Qualifications: <br />Consultant qualifications must demonstrate the minimum qualifications as established in the California <br />Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Right of Way Manual which can be accessed at: <br />littp://,ca,gov/hq/row/rowman/manLial/indox.htin. <br />Description of Work: <br />Consultant under contract with the City of Santa Ana will provide support and services to City of Santa Ana <br />staff or their designee on an as- needed basis. The Consultant shall be thoroughly familiar with the Statement of <br />Work prior to submitting a response to this Request for Proposal (RFP). <br />• The Consultant shall perform work to produce a high quality, professional and complete work product. <br />• Consultant must have experience with State and Federally funded projects, All work shall be performed <br />in conformance with all applicable regulations, policies, procedures and standards. <br />• Work may include, but not be limited to, the following; onsite review of the project area; review of <br />existing records; conducting research and performing analysis; information gathering; negotiations; <br />development of strategies, <br />• The Consultant shall carry out the instructions received from the City and shall cooperate with the City <br />and other agencies. <br />• The Consultant has total responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the work produced, The <br />work will be reviewed by the City for conformity with the requirernen *s of the Agreement. Reviews by <br />the City may NOT include a detailed review for the accuracy of items submitted. `the responsibility for <br />accuracy and completeness of such items remains solely that of the Consultant. <br />• The Consultant shall be responsible for coordination and supervision of all work performed by its sub - <br />consultants, The Consultant shall review all work performed by its sub-consultants and the <br />responsibility for accuracy and completeness of work performed remains solely that of Consultant. <br />• The Consultant shall have a Quality Assurance /Quality Control (QA/QC) plan in effect during the entire <br />time work is performed under the Agreement. The QA /QC plan is intended to ensure that the appraisals, <br />maps, reports, plans, studies, estimates, agreements and other documents submitted under assigned Scope of <br />Work are complete, accurate, checked, and proofread to meet professional standard practice requirements, <br />25D -55 <br />