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2/22/2017 <br />POLICY NUMBER57SBAAZ1255 <br />Citygate Associates, LLC oy <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />X00 0 A <br />This endorsernent modifies insurance provided Under the following: <br />Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) <br />Or Organization(s): Location(s) Of Covered Operations <br />County of Alameda Sheriffs Office <br />Office of Emergency Service & Homeland <br />Security <br />4985 Broder Blvd <br />Dublin CA 94568 <br />RE: UASI Training Services County of Alameda, its Board of Supervisors, the individual members thereof, and all County Officers, <br />agents, employees and <br />lriformation reqUir'ed to CWT#ete this SchedLfle, if not shown above, will be shown in the Declarations <br />A. Section C. — Who Is An Insured is amended to <br />include as an additional inSUr'ed the per-son(s) or <br />organization(s) shown in the SchedLfle, but only <br />with respect to piabilityfor, "bodily �IUry", "property <br />amage" or,ersonal and advertising injury" <br />caused, in whole or in part, by� <br />1. Your acts or, omissions", or <br />Z. T'he acts or, omissions of those acting W1 your <br />behalf", <br />in the performance Of YOLJr- WlgOinlg operations for - <br />the additional insured(S) at the locaflon(s) <br />designated above <br />B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these <br />addiflonal insureds, the following additional <br />exclusions apply: <br />��rnopert}� <br />denoyto "bodily injury"or <br />damage" Occurring after- ' <br />1. All work, including materials, parts or <br />eqUipMent furnished in connection with such <br />work, on the project (other than service, <br />maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or <br />on behalf of the additional inSUred(s) at the <br />location of the covered operations has been <br />con#eteda or <br />2. Fhat portion Of 0eYOU11- work" Out Of which the <br />injUll-y or damage arises has been Put to its <br />intended Use by any person or, organization <br />other than another contractor or subcontractor <br />engaged in performing operations for a <br />principal as a part of the same project, <br />((,) 2011, .1"heII--lariford <br />(includes copyrighted rnate6al of insurance Seirvlices Office, inc., With lits peirnilssion) <br />