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6. POs and payments for service will be issued only in the name of the Proposer. <br />7. Proposer shall adapt to changes to the ordering method or ordering procedures as <br />required by the City during the term of the agreement. <br />8. Change orders shall be agreed upon by Proposer and City and Issued as needed in <br />writing by the City. <br />3.2.7 INVOICING FOR EXERCISES <br />1, Proposer shall invoice the City, unless otherwise advised, upon satisfactory receipt of <br />performance of services, <br />2. The Proposer will submit invoices according to milestones that are mutually agreed <br />upon by the City and the Proposer, and will be established at the time an agreement <br />is entered Into between the City and the Proposer. <br />3. Invoices should be mailed to; <br />Sgt. Brad Hadley <br />Santa Ana Police Department <br />Homeland Security Division / M-18 <br />60 Civic Center Plaza <br />P.O. Box 1981 <br />Santa Ana, CA 9.2701 <br />4. City will use best efforts to mak© payments within thirty (30) days following receipt <br />and review of invoice and upon complete satisfactory receipt of performance of <br />services. <br />5. City shall notify Proposer of any adjustments required to invoices. <br />6. Invoices shall contain Agreement number, City PO number, Invoice number, remit to <br />address and itemized services description and price as quoted and shall be <br />accompanied by acceptable proof of delivery. <br />RFC1 No, 16-068 <br />Page 30 <br />