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amendments. Additionally, partners agree to fully comply with the provisions of WIOA, Title VII of <br />the civil Rights act of 1964, the Age Decimation Act of 1975, Title IX of the Education Amendments <br />of 1972, 29 CRF Part 37 and all other regulations implementing the aforementioned laws. The WDB <br />and the America's Job Center of California partners will ensure that policies and procedures <br />established by the WDB and the America's Job Center of California partners are in compliance with <br />the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). <br />N. DURATION <br />This MOU shall become effective October 4, 2016 and terminate June 30, 2019. The term of this <br />MOU shall be three years. The MOU will be reviewed not less than once every three years to identify <br />any substantial changes that have occurred. This MOU will remain in effect until (i) terminated by the <br />repeal of the Workforce Investment Act or otherwise by action of law, or (ii) with respect to the <br />America's Job Center of California Partner, the date on which such America's Job Center of <br />California partner withdraws from the MOU pursuant to Section 3 (c) hereof. Should any America's <br />Job Center of California Partner withdraw, this MOU shall remain in effect with respect to other <br />remaining America's Job Center of California Partners. <br />This MOU is of no force or effect until signed by authorized representatives of the participating <br />agencies, and approved by the Chief Local Elected Official or his/her designee. The MOU, once <br />signed, becomes part of the local WIOA Plan. <br />Any party may withdraw from this MOU by giving written notice of intent to withdraw at least 30 <br />calendar days in advance of the effective withdrawal date. If agreed to by all parties, the timeframes <br />for notice may be reduced or extended. Notice of withdrawal shall be given to the WDB at the <br />address listed in the signed attachments of this MOU, and to the contact person so listed, considering <br />any information updates received by the parties pursuant to Section 1. Courtesy notification shall be <br />made to all parties of this MOU in a timely manner. <br />O. MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIONS <br />This MOU constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and no oral understanding not <br />incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. This MOU may be modified, <br />altered, or revised, as necessary, by mutual consent of the parties, by the issuance of a written <br />amendment, signed and dated by the parties. Assignment of responsibilities under this MOU by any <br />of the parties shall be effective upon written notice to the WDB. Any assignee shall also commit in <br />writing to the teens of this MOU. <br />P. TERMINATION <br />The parties understand that implementation of the AJCC system is dependent on the good faith effort <br />of every partner to work together to improve services to the community. The parties also agree that <br />this is a project where different ways of working together and providing services are being tried. In <br />the event that it becomes necessary for one or more parties to cease being a part of this this MOU, <br />said entity shall notify the other parties, in writing, 30 days in advance of that intention. <br />Q. ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT SECTIONS <br />1. License for Use <br />During the term of this MOU, all partners to this MOU shall have a license to use all of the space <br />of the AJCCs for the sole purpose of conducting acceptable AJCC services as outlined herein. <br />0 <br />