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Page 8 of 20 <br />_ U.S. Department of Justice <br />Office of Justice Programs <br />- - ; Bureau of Justice Assistance <br />PROJECT NU NJ BE 2016-DJ-BX-0746 <br />AWARD CONTINUATION <br />SHEET PAGE 4 OF 13 <br />Grant <br />AWARD DATE 08/16/2016 <br />SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br />Specific post -award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would <br />exceed $150,000 <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements to obtain <br />specific advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach in any procurement contract that would exceed the <br />Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently, $150,000). This condition applies to agreements that --for purposes of <br />federal grants administrative requirements -- OJP considers a procurement "contract" (and therefore does not consider <br />a subaward). <br />Tile details of the requirement for advance approval to use a noncompetitive approach fn a procurement contract under <br />an OJP award are posted on the OJP web site at (Award <br />condition: Specific post -award approval required to use a noncompetitive approach in a procurement contract (if <br />contract would exceed $150,000)), and are incorporated by reference here. <br />9. Requirements pertaining to prohibited conduct related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and <br />OJP authority to terminate award) <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable requirements (including requirements to report allegations) pertaining to prohibited conduct related to the trafficking of persons, whether on the part oPrecipients, snbreoipients ("subgrantee, or individuals defined (for purposes of Om condition) as "employees" Oft <br />o recipient or ofail <br />any subrecipient. <br />The details of the recipient's obligations related to prohibited conduct rebued to tratficking in persons are posted on the OJP web site at <br /> edConducC-Trafficking.htm (Award condidon: Prohibited conduct by recipients and subrecipient, related to trafficking in persons (including reporting requirements and OJP authority to terminate award)), and are incorporated by reference here. <br />10. Compliance with applicable rules regarding approval, planning, and reporting of conferences, meetings, trainings, and <br />other events <br />The recipient, and any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier, must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, <br />policies, and official DOJ guidance (including specific cost limits, prior approval and reporting requirements, where <br />applicable) governing the use of federal funds for expenses related to conferences (as that term is defined by DOJ), <br />including the provision of food and/or beverages at such conferences, and costs of attendance at such conferences. <br />Information on the pertinent DOJ definition of conferences and the rules applicable Co this award appears in the DOJ <br />Grants Financial Guide (currently, as section 3.10 of"Postaward Requirements" in the "2015 DOJ Grants Financial <br />Guide"). <br />11. Requirement for data on performance and effectiveness under the award <br />The recipient must collect and maintain data that measure the Performance and effectiveness of activities under this <br />award. The data must be provided to OJP in the manner (including within the timeframes) specified by OJP in the <br />Program solicitation or other applicable written guidance. Data collection supports compliance with the Government <br />Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and the GPRA Modernization Act, and other applicable laws. <br />12. OJP Training Guiding Principles <br />Any training or training materials that the recipient -- or any subrecipient ("subgrantee") at any tier -- develops or <br />delivers with OJP award funds must adhere to the OJP Training Guiding Principles for Grantees and Subgrantees, <br />available at <br />OUP FORM 4000/2 (REV. 4-88) <br />1� <br />