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2. Final Report Presentations <br />We will conduct a workshop or formal presentation of our final report and <br />recommendations to the Personnel staff, City Officials, and employees. <br />3. EZ COMPr"Pro,2rantn dnsiallation <br />We will install our EZ COMFn' program and project tiles on one of the Personnel <br />Department's computers and provide training to key staff in the maintenance and update <br />of the classification and compensation plan. <br />4. Implementation Warranty <br />To ensure effective implementation of the new plan, we will analyze, evaluate, and <br />provide a salary range recommendation for any new or changed job class, at no cost to <br />the City for one year. <br />G. EXTENSI VE EMPLOYEE INCLUSION AND COMMUNICATION <br />Very important factors for successful implementation of new or updated classification and <br />compensation plans are 1) extensive employee inclusion, and 2) extensive employee <br />communication. City officials and employees will participate in one or more of the following <br />activities: <br />- Attending pre -project briefings and question and answer sessions <br />- Completing a Position Analysis Questionnaire (PDQ) describing their position <br />- Elaborating on their jobs in individual or group job information interviews <br />- Receiving information pamphlet/booklet describing the updated salary plan <br />H. MINIMAL CITY SUPPORT REQUIRED <br />We are completely self-sufficient in projects of this nature and do not require any substantive <br />staff support from the City other than payroll data, and arrangements for group and <br />individual meetings and interviews. We appreciate, but do not require, any office space, <br />telephone, clerical assistance, computers, or office equipment. We will provide all data entry, <br />data processing, duplicating, and related report preparation functions. <br />Santa Ana Public Sector Personnel Consultants 10/16 <br />16 <br />25D-18 <br />