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Letter Agreement m- R.T. Clown, Inc. <br />Page 2 <br />12. Commercial General Liability lnsuranoe. nSpeahet/Peliorrner shall maintain commercial general liability htsurance <br />running the City, its otilecrs, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives as additional insureds) and shall <br />inolude, but not be limited to protection against clabus ariai ng from, bodily and personal injury, including death <br />resulting therefrom and damage to property, resulting hoar any act or occurrence arising out of SpeakerlPcrfurnier's <br />operations in the performance of this Agrccautat, including, without limitation, sets involving vehicles. The <br />amounts of insurance shall be not less than the fallowing: single limit coverage applying to bodily and personal <br />injury tend property damage, in the total amount of S1,000,000 per occurrence, with S,1,000,000 in the aggregate, <br />including coverage of sexual misconduct. Such insurarxce shall; (1) name the City, its officers, employees, agents, <br />volunteers, aril representatives as additional insurods; (2) be primary and not contributory with respect to insumum <br />or self-insurance proggtatns maintained by dre City, and (3) contain standard separation of insured provisions. <br />13. Ifflorker"'s Cornpensaation insurance. In accordance with the California Labor Code, Speaker/Performar, if <br />Speaker/Perforiner has any employees, is required to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to <br />undertake self-insurance. <br />14. The City shall have the right and royalty -free license to simulcast or produce and show a tape -delayed broadcast of <br />SpeaicerMerfora ter's presentation to the City community or general public, through wobaast or any other tueans. <br />This Hoenac shall be nose -exclusive and the eopyrigbat shall remain with the Speaker/Perfornacr. Copies of <br />Speakor/Performer's. presentation pray be maintained by the City, and Speaker/Perfoxmer emisetnts to rise of such <br />recordings, <br />15. SpeakeriPcrfomner represents and warrants that it hes engaged an independent entity to conduct a background check <br />of all employees, indetscndent contractotns, or other individuals who are performing services fbr Speakerrperformor <br />in connection with this Agremment. The laackground check shall include at a ralulmurn a state mond county crirniml <br />history investigation where such individual resides and a search of the national and California sox offender <br />registries. Proof oCthc background ehcok nuquired under this section shall be provided to City upon mItiest. <br />16. Speaker/Performer shall not discriminate because of race, color, creed, religion, ecu, anarkael stratus, sexual <br />orientation, age, ai tion l origin, ancestry, disability, or any other basis protcete d by applicable law in connection <br />with any activities related to this Agreement. <br />IT 'l lus Agreement shall in All respects shall be inle tlra-chart, enforced, and govormcd exclusively by and undor the laths <br />of the state of California. Both parties agree that Orange County, California, shall be the Yonne for .any action or <br />pinceedLag•that may be brought or arise out of, in connection with or by reason of this Agreetuout, <br />18. 'flus. Agreement represents the complete and exclusive statementbctw=ithe City and Spcakcrs.Pas•iicrmcrregarding <br />the subject matter herein and supersedes any anti all other agreements, oral or written, between the parties, 'Chis <br />Agreement maynot be modified oxoap.t by written instrument signed by the City and by an authorizml rpprescniative <br />of Speaker/Performer. <br />Please cxectate this letter to rcf0ect your agmument to the terns and conditions set. forth herein. <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA SPF. R/PlU +K3lallIER <br />r�jcc 1. <br />bAliri) VAvXzoNf <br />City Manager <br />