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COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Committee members continue to be cognizant of the ongoing discussion related to public safety <br />as it relates to police officer staffing and the use of police body cameras. They were excited <br />about the implementation of the body worn cameras coming up in the beginning of the new year. <br />Committee members want to continue to strategize and look at all options pertaining to customer <br />service needs. Hand-in-hand with customer service needs is the Community Oriented Policing <br />survey. Committee Chainnan Benavides requested that this item be brought up again when the <br />new timeline is established with the research partner, Chapman University. The last item on <br />Police Officer Hiring was moved to the next Public Safety meeting as a future item. <br />ACTION ITEMS <br />1) On Item #2 (City Surplus Budget Review): Chief Rojas will do research on patrol staffing. <br />Committee members want the report to include the best way to patrol the streets of Santa <br />Ana. Chainnan Benavides said to analyze and look at all options, other opportunities that <br />will benefit the community. Chief says he will take a look at all schedules, including the <br />present 3-12 schedule for patrol officers. <br />2) On Item #4 (Customer Service): Chairman Benavides directed Chief Rojas to do research on <br />best practices on this item and bring back to this Committee. <br />FUTUREITEMS <br />Police Officer Hiring <br />Community Oriented Policing <br />ADJOURNMENT — 6:45 P.M. / <br />ag <br />CARLOSROJAS <br />Chief of Police <br />13A-10 <br />