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Ed Murashie, resident, expressed thanks for meeting with the PD regarding the illegal Medical <br />Marijuana Dispensaries. Noted that not all 20 applicants have opened as of yet, and questioned <br />setting a deadline for those who haven't. Suggested working with Sheriff's Dept. regarding <br />police body worn cameras. He questioned if the Police Department could implement some type <br />of warning to alert the community, perhaps on NextDoor app, about foreseeable problems in <br />their areas. <br />Chris Schmidt, resident Windsor Neighborhood Association, voiced displeasure with Dispatch, <br />particularly reference people parking illegally on the street. He said Traffic Engineering/Public <br />Works require citations to see the problem. For Community Oriented Policing, aid that he has <br />worked on the community forums and that PD's partner, Chapman University, did not do their <br />part to move forward with the community survey. On Police Officer hiring, he inquired as to <br />whether full time park rangers would be hired due to illicit behavior in the parks. <br />Connie Hamilton, resident Southcoast Neighborhood Association, suggested a customer survey <br />done with people who have interactions with police, whether it involved a call for service or the <br />customer came into the police station. Volunteers in Policing could head up the survey. <br />AGENDAITEMS <br />1. Approval of Minutes of 2-22-16 Meeting <br />Motion: Approve the Minutes of 2-22-16 meeting. <br />MOTION: Benavides SECOND: Tinajero <br />VOTE: AYES: Benavides, Tinajero <br />NOES: None (0) <br />Motion carries. <br />AGENDA <br />2. City Surplus Budget Review (Surplus Budget Presentation) — Francisco Gutierrez, <br />Executive Director, Finance and Management Services Agency {Strategic Plan Goal No. 4, <br />3b and 3e) <br />Francisco Gutierrez, Executive Director, FMSA, reported on the City's current surplus <br />projections budget review and accrual of all expenditures for F/Y 15-16. The allocation schedule <br />in reference to revenues received and services rendered was discussed. Director Gutierrez <br />13A-8 <br />