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HRCA No. 2016-22, HRC No. 2016-21 <br />HPPA No. 2016-20 <br />November 7, 2016 <br />Page 3 <br />Public Notification <br />The subject site is located within the Washington Square Neighborhood. The president of this <br />neighborhood association was notified by mail 10 days prior to this public hearing. In addition, a <br />Washington Square Neighborhood representative was contacted to ensure that they were notified of <br />the project and to see if there were any areas of concern. No areas of concern were identified by <br />the neighborhood association representative, nor was there a request that the applicant present the <br />project to a meeting of their members. <br />The project site was posted with a notice advertising this public hearing, a notice was published in <br />the Orange County Reporter and mailed notices were sent to all property owners within 500 feet of <br />the project site. At the time of this printing, no correspondence, either written or electronic, had <br />been received from any members of the public. <br />CEQA Compliance <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the recommended actions are exempt <br />from further review under Section 15331, Class 31, as these actions are designed to preserve <br />historic resources. Categorical Exemption No. ER -2016-135 will be filed for this project. <br />Stratealc Plan Alitnnment <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal No. 5 Community Health, Livability, <br />Engagement & Sustainability, Objective No. 2 (expand opportunities for conservation and <br />environmental sustainability) and Objective No. 3 (facilitate diverse housing opportunities and <br />support efforts to preserve and improve the livability of Santa Ana neighborhoods). <br />Hal y Soleske <br />Senior P nner <br />HS jm <br />hslHislorlo Info\1 10716 HRClhres I6-22hrc16.21 hppa16-20 UrbineHouse.hrc <br />Attachments: <br />Exhibit 1 500' Radius Map <br />Exhibit 2 - Department of Parks and Recreation Form <br />Exhibit 3 - Mills Act Agreement <br />25B-129 <br />