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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary # <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION NRI # <br />CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial <br />by <br />'B10, Significance (continued): <br />or 9 (Assigned by recorder) Urbino House <br />*Date November 3, 2016 ® Continuation 11 Update <br />Santa Ana was founded by William Spurgeon in 1869 as a speculative town site on part of the Spanish land grant known as <br />Rancho Santiago de Santa Aria. The civic and commercial core of the community was centered around the intersection of <br />Main and Fourth Streets. Stimulated by the arrival of the Santa Fe Railroad and incorporation as a city in 1886, and selection <br />as the seat of the newly created County of Orange in 1889, the city grew outwards, with residential neighborhoods <br />developing to the north, south, and east of the city center. Agricultural uses predominated in the outlying areas, with <br />cultivated fields and orchards dotted with widely scattered farmhouses. <br />The Urbino House qualifies for listing In the Santa Ana Register of Historical Properties under Criterion 3 because it <br />possesses the characteristics of the Craftsman Bungalow style. Additionally, the house has been categorized as <br />"Contributive" because It "Is a good example of period architecture". Character -defining exterior features of the Urbine House <br />that should be preserved include, but may not be limited to, materials and finishes (wood siding and trim); original windows <br />and doors, porch configuration and materials, massing, and fenestration patterns. <br />DPR 523L 25B-134 <br />