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EXEMPT FROM FEES PURSUANT <br />TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 6103 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2016-xx <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE HISTORIC RESOURCES <br />COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROVING <br />HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION APPLICATION <br />NO. 2016-22 TO PLACE THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT <br />1123 NORTH OLIVE STREET SANTA ANA, ON THE <br />HISTORICAL REGISTER AND APPROVING HISTORIC <br />REGISTER CATEGORIZATION NO. 2016-21 PLACING <br />SAID PROPERTY WITHIN THE CONTRIBUTIVE <br />CATEGORY <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HISTORIC RESOURCES COMMISSION OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Historic Resources Commission of the City of Santa Ana <br />hereby finds, determines and declares as follows: <br />A. On November %, 2016 the Historic Resources Commission held a duly <br />noticed public hearing for the placement on the Santa Ana Register of <br />Historical Properties (Historic Resources Commission Application No. <br />2016-22 and categorization (Historic Resources Commission <br />Categorization No. 2016-21 of the Urbine House located at 1123 North <br />Olive Street Santa Ana. <br />B. The Urbine House as distinctive architectural features of the Craftsman <br />style, and was built in 1924. <br />C. This home qualifies for listing on the Santa Ana Register of Historical <br />Properties and is eligible for categorization as Contributive because it is <br />under Criterion 3 because it possesses the characteristics of the <br />Craftsman Bungalow style. Additionally, the house has been categorized <br />as "Contributive' because it "is a good example of period architecture". <br />Character -defining features of the Urbine House that should be preserved <br />include, but may not be limited to, materials and finishes (wood siding and <br />trim); original windows and doors, porch configuration and materials, <br />massing, and fenestration patterns <br />D. The legal owner of the subject property is Robyn MacNair, <br />E. The legal description for the subject property is attached hereto as Exhibit <br />A and incorporated by this reference as though fully set forth herein. <br />F. The subject property meets the minimal standards for placement on the <br />City of Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties pursuant to Section 30-2 <br />of the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />Resolution No, 2016-xx <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />25B-136 <br />