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State of California—The Resources Agency Primary #__ <br />DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRI#_ <br />BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND OBJECT RECORD <br />Page 2 of 4 *NRNP Status Code 3S <br />rcesource Name or s: uaKes house <br />St, Historic Name: Oakes House <br />B2. Common Name: Same <br />63. Original Use; Single-family Residence 84. Present Use: Single-family Residence <br />*B5. Architectural Style: Spanish Colonial Revival <br />*66. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations): Constructed 1927 <br />February, 1927. Residence and garage, $5,000. <br />August, 1937. Reroof. <br />February, 1953. Range for R.N.Scove. <br />*67. Moved?VNo ❑Yes Elt)nknown Date: Original <br />Locatlom <br />*B8. Related Features: <br />None. <br />B9a. Architect: Unknown <br />b, Builder: W. H. Dixon <br />*B10. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Santa Ana <br />Period of Significance: circa 1901-1954 Property Type: Single-family Residence Applicable Criteria: NR: S; CR: 5S3 <br />(Discuss Importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address Integrity) <br />The Oakes House was built in 1927 by Charles and Abby Oakes. Charles spent most of his adult life as a Captain with the <br />Merchant Marines, and Abby also grew up In a sailing family. He was raised In Portland, Maine, and lived for sometime in New <br />York City. The Oakes'traveled throughout the United States, finally settling in Santa Ana. Mr. Oakes wrote a book about his <br />adventures while sailing, Including shipwrecks, dramatic rescues, and typhoons. He often gave talks In the community. By the <br />1950's, the home was sold to Robert Norman Scove and his wife Ruth. Robert had grown up just down the street in 1612 North <br />Ross, with his mother Irma. He married Ruth while in his mid -30's, and together, they built a life in Santa Ana. Robert was a very <br />active member of the Smedley Chapter of Toastmasters and frequently won debates and speech contests. He worked as an <br />Assistant Secretary for Reliance Title. He was also a member of the Young Men's Christian Association, and was a talented <br />singer. After his death In 1992, the house was sold a few more times before the current owners (Brad Harkins and Beth Bunnell) <br />owned it. The $cove's are buried in Fairhaven Memorial in Santa Ana. <br />(See Continuation Sheet 3 of 4.) <br />811 Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) <br />*B12. References: <br />City of Santa Ana Building Permits <br />Santa Ana History Room Collection, Santa Ana Public Library <br />Sanborn Maps <br />(See Continuation Sheet 4 of 4.) <br />B13. Remarks: <br />*B14. Evaluator: Holly Soboleske <br />*Date of Evaluation: November 3, 2016 <br />DPR $236 (1198) <br />Oakes House <br />002-102-11 <br />PLACE 4 <br />:I 1 HO2 <br />�N 1 ,sirr� ♦ ♦Rti ld- <br />s A <br />R 11 12 15 ilA. 116 I "0i IY 0I ,_ :ro <br />i B/REEP % r 1 <br />25B-159 <br />