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1) Additional expenses incurred because of operating in a new location, except as <br />permitted under the reestablishment payment described in Subparagraph 1d listed <br />below. <br />2) Interest on loans to cover moving expenses <br />3) Loss of goodwill. <br />4) Loss of trained employees. <br />5) Personal injury. <br />6) Preparation of claim for moving and related expenses. <br />7) Other items the Developer determines are not reasonable and necessary <br />1. Payments Related to Personal Property Not Moved. A displacee may receive a payment for <br />actual direct loss of tangible personal property which is not relocated. Payment is <br />determined on the basis of the value of the property minus any proceeds from the sale of <br />the item or the cost to move the item whichever is less. Appropriate documentation to <br />support a claim, such as reasonable advertising costs, auction records, or other supporting <br />evidence, will be required. <br />A displacee may receive a payment for personal property which is not relocated, but rather <br />is replaced with substitute equipment at the replacement site. Payment is determined on <br />the basis of the cost of the substitute item minus any proceeds from the sale of the replaced <br />item or the cost to move the replaced item whichever is less. Appropriate documentation to <br />support a claim, such as proof of cost of substitute item installed, reasonable advertising <br />costs, auction records, receipts from sale proceeds or other supporting evidence will be <br />required. <br />When personal property is abandoned with no effort made by displacee to dispose of such <br />property, the displacee is not entitled to claim moving expenses or losses for the abandoned <br />items and may be required to reimburse the Developer for the cost to remove such items <br />from the property. <br />2. Searching Costs for a Replacement Location. A displacee may file for reimbursement of <br />costs to search for a replacement location, not to exceed $2,500. Such a claim must be <br />supported by accurate records of dates, times, locations, expenses, receipts, diaries and <br />similar evidence and may include the following expenses: <br />1) Transportation within a radius of 50 miles from the displaced site. <br />2) Meals and lodging while away from home, when receipts are presented as <br />documentation. <br />tl <br />55A -30 <br />