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setbacks. The new building and related site improvements <br />such as new landscaping will enhance this property as well as <br />the surrounding properties. The proposed building has been <br />designed to minimize operational impacts to surrounding <br />properties, including the adjacent residential properties, <br />through site design and conditions of approval. The project <br />site has been previously used as a service station, auto repair <br />and as a commercial building, which met none of the City's <br />development standards. The site's lot size has constrained <br />its development opportunities and the relatively deteriorated <br />nature of the surrounding properties also constrained the <br />property's marketability. The proposed project will make a <br />substantial capital investment with the construction of a high <br />quality building and significant on and off-site improvements, <br />thereby improving the surrounding properties <br />4. That the granting of a variance will not adversely affect the General <br />Plan of the City. <br />The project will not adversely affect the general plan as the <br />proposed car wash use is a permitted use in the General <br />Commercial land use designation. In addition, the project is <br />consistent with several goals and policies of the General <br />Plan. Goal 1 of the Land Use Element encourages uses that <br />promote a balance of land uses that address basic <br />community needs, Goal 3 supports projects that improve the <br />character and integrity of neighborhoods, and Goal 5 <br />ensures that the impacts of development are mitigated. <br />Policy 1.10 encourages the location of commercial uses at <br />arterial roadway intersections in commercial districts, Policy <br />2.2 supports commercial land uses in adequate amounts to <br />accommodate the City's needs for services, Land Use <br />Element Policy 2.8 promotes the rehabilitation of commercial <br />properties and encourages increased levels of capital <br />investment, Policy 2.10 supports new development which is <br />harmonious in scale and character with existing <br />development in the area, and Urban Design Element Policy <br />1.5 encourages projects that include enhanced architectural <br />forms, textures, colors and materials. The car wash facility <br />is consistent with these goals and policies and has been <br />designed to provide architectural and visual interest to the <br />site and adjacent community. The project will also <br />incorporate a generous amount of enhanced landscaping <br />along both the Westminster Avenue and Newhope Street <br />frontages and throughout the site. <br />Resolution No. 2016-41 <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />31A-28 <br />