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The proposed after-hours operations will not be detrimental <br />to those living or working in the area because conditions <br />have been placed to mitigate any negative impacts on the <br />community. These conditions are consistent with other <br />eating establishments that have similar hours of operation <br />and similar operational conditions. The after -hour conditions <br />limit operations to indoor activities after the midnight hour, <br />therefore mitigating any outside ambient noise, as well as <br />limiting the amplified sound within the building. <br />3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the present <br />economic stability or future economic development of properties <br />surrounding the area. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the economic <br />stability of the area, but will instead allow the restaurant to <br />compete with other nearby restaurants that also offer <br />extended business hours of operation to their guests and <br />other visitors. Moreover, the offering of after-hours will allow <br />Gu Ramen, an existing locally -owned restaurant, to remain <br />economically viable and compete with nearby full-service <br />restaurants in the vicinity and contributes to the overall <br />success of the City of Santa Ana. <br />4. That the proposed use shall comply with the regulations and <br />conditions specified in Chapter 41 for such use. <br />The proposed project will be in compliance with all <br />applicable regulations and conditions imposed on an eating <br />establishment operating after-hours pursuant to Chapter 41 <br />of the Santa Ana Municipal Code and the Transit Zoning <br />Code (SD84) zoning provisions. The establishment will <br />contain the necessary equipment to qualify as an eating <br />establishment, and operational standards applicable to the <br />proposed after-hours that will prevent or mitigate any <br />impacts from the restaurant onto adjacent properties. <br />5. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan or <br />any specific plan of the City. <br />The proposed use will not adversely affect the General Plan. <br />The granting of this conditional use permit supports several <br />policies contained in the General Plan. Policy 2.2 of the <br />Land Use Element encourages land uses that accommodate <br />the City's needs for goods and services. Providing a variety <br />of full-service restaurants with extended hours of operation <br />offers additional dining options for Santa Ana residents and <br />visitors. Furthermore, Policy 5.5 of the Land Use Element <br />encourages development that is compatible with and <br />supporting of surrounding land uses. Gu Ramen Restaurant <br />Resolution No. 2016-46 <br />Page 4 of 7 <br />31 F-19 <br />