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Jmf 12-13-16 <br />law or to gather or disseminate information regarding the citizenship or immigration status <br />of any person, unless such assistance is required by federal or state law or is contractually <br />obligated. Nothing in this Section shall prevent the City, including any agency, <br />department, officer, employee, or agent of the City, from lawfully discharging his or her <br />duties in compliance with and in response to a lawfully issued judicial warrant or <br />subpoena. <br />The prohibition set forth in this Section shall include but not be limited to: <br />(a) identifying, investigating, arresting, detaining, or continuing to detain a <br />person solely on the belief that the person is not present legally in the United States or <br />that the person has committed a civil immigration violation; <br />(b) arresting, detaining, or continuing to detain a person based on any <br />immigration detainer or federal administrative warrant, when such immigration detainer <br />or administrative warrant is based solely on a violation of federal civil immigration law, or <br />otherwise honoring any such detainer, warrant, or request to detain, interview, or transfer; <br />(c) notifying federal authorities about the release or pending release of any <br />person for immigration purposes; <br />(d) providing federal authorities with non-public information about any person <br />for immigration purposes; and <br />(e) enforcing any federal program requiring the registration of individuals on the <br />basis of religious affiliation or ethnic or national origin. <br />(f) This Section shall not apply when an investigation conducted by any City <br />agency, department, officer, employee, or agent indicates that the subject of <br />the investigation: <br />1. has an outstanding criminal warrant; <br />2. has been convicted of a felony in any court of competent <br />jurisdiction; or <br />3. is a defendant in any court of competent jurisdiction where a <br />judgment has not been entered and a felony charge is pending. <br />SECTION 8. Implementation of Policies. Within a reasonable time <br />following adoption of this ordinance, the City shall implement policies to prevent biased - <br />based policing and directing its law enforcement personnel to exercise discretion to cite <br />and release individuals in lieu of detaining them at a local detention facility or county jail <br />based on the nature of the crime alleged to be committed. The City shall also provide <br />appropriate training and establish a commission, task force, or similar body composed of <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXX <br />50C-7 Page 3 of 5 <br />