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PURCHASE AGREEMENT <br />THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of December, <br />2016 by and between the City of Santa Ana (hereinafter "City") and Officer Michael McCarthy <br />("Officer"), <br />RECITALS <br />A. Officer is a member of the Santa Ana Police Department and was assigned to the K9 <br />Unit as a K9 Handler. <br />B. Officer was, in conjunction with his assignment as a K9 Handler, given the care, <br />custody, and control of a police dog named "Max" (Dog). <br />C. Dog has been specially trained to assist officers in law enforcement tasks to respond <br />to commands issued specifically by the Officer. <br />D. Dog is 10 years old, a normal retirement age for police service dogs. Based upon his <br />age and current physical condition, it would be impractical to reassign Dog to a new <br />canine handler to attend Basic handlers Course before being put back in service. <br />E. Dog is considered "surplus" property and the Director of Finance has agreed to sell <br />Dog to Officer for the sum of $1.00. <br />F. Officer wishes to adopt and purchase Dog. It is the City's intent to sell Dog to <br />Officer subject to the conditions specified in this agreement. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual and respective promises, and subject to the <br />terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. City hereby sells Dog to Officer for the sum of $1.00, payable at the time this contract <br />is executed. Officer shall be the owner of the Dog upon execution of this contract <br />and payment of $1.00. <br />2. Officer agrees and hereby assumes ownership and fall responsibility for the care, <br />maintenance, food, housing, medical and any and all other expenses that result from <br />or arise out of Officer's ownership of Dog. <br />3. Officer agrees that the City shall have no further responsibility of liability for Dog or <br />Dog's care after the date of this agreement. <br />4. Officer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, <br />employees, representatives, and agents with respect to any loss, damage, claim, <br />injury, or liability that arises out of, or is in any way related to, Dog m Officer's <br />actions with Dog after the effective date of this agreement. <br />Exhibit I <br />55A-5 <br />