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obtain and maintain any employer's liability insurance with limits not less than <br />$1,000,000 per accident. <br />7.1.5. If Consultant is or employs a licensed professional such as an architect or <br />engineer: Professional liability (errors and omissions) insurance, with a combined single <br />limit of not less than $1,000,000 per claim with $2,000,000 in the aggregate. <br />7.2. The following requirements apply to the insurance to be provided by Consultant pursuant to <br />this section: <br />7.2.1. Consultant shall maintain all insurance required above in full force and effect for <br />the entire period covered by this Agreement. <br />7.2.2. Certificates of insurance shall be furnished to the City upon execution of this <br />Agreement and shall be approved by the City. <br />7.2.3. Certificates and policies shall state that the policies shall not be canceled or <br />reduced in coverage or changed in any other material aspect without thirty (30) days <br />prior written notice to the City. <br />7.3. If Consultant fails or refuses to produce or maintain the insurance required by this section <br />or fails or refuses to furnish the City with required proof that insurance has been procured and is <br />in force and paid for, the City shall have the right, at the City's election, to forthwith terminate <br />this Agreement. Such termination shall not affect Consultant's right to be paid for its time and <br />materials expended prior to notification of termination. Consultant waives the right to receive <br />compensation and agrees to indemnify the City for any work performed prior to approval of <br />insurance by the City. <br />8. General Provisions <br />8.1. Grantee shall acquire prior written permission from City for any use of the City name or logo <br />in association with its Project. <br />8.2. If any parts of this Agreement are held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining parts of <br />the Agreement shall continue to be valid and enforceable. <br />8.3. This Agreement shall be construed and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall be <br />determined In accordance with the laws of the State of California, with venue of any action <br />arising out of this Agreement in Orange County, California. <br />8.4. Grantee shall comply with all governmental requirements which may now or in the future <br />become applicable to its activities under this Agreement. <br />8.5. This Agreement, including Exhibit A, Application, and any amendments or schedules <br />hereto, contain the full understanding and agreement of the Parties with respect to its subject <br />matter, and no waiver, alteration or modification of any of the provisions to this Agreement shall <br />be binding unless in writing and signed by an authorized officer of both Parties. <br />8.6. No waiver by either party or any breach, default, or serles of breaches or defaults, and no <br />failure, refusal, or neglect of either party to exercise any right, power, or option given to it under <br />this Agreement or to insist upon strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement shall <br />constitute a waiver of these provisions with respect to any subsequent breach or waiver by <br />65D-24 <br />