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AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT <br />BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANTA ANA AND <br />HERITAGE VILLAGE OC, LLC, <br />a Delaware Iinuted liability company <br />This A tendinent No, l to the DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT is entered into between. <br />THE CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city and municipal corporation duly authorized under <br />the Constitution and laws of the State of California. ("City") and Heritage Village OC, LLC, a <br />Delaware limited liability company ("Owner"). The City and Owner are referred to jointly in <br />this Development Agreernent as the "Patties" and individually as a "Party," <br />1, RECITALS. This Amendment No. I to the Development Agreement is entered <br />into with reference to the following facts: <br />1.1. Development Agreement, A Development Agreement by and between the <br />City of Santa Ana and Heritage Village OC, LLC (the "Development Agreement"), was <br />approved by the City Council. on February 2, 2016 and was recorded on Tune 28,-2016 as <br />Instrument No. 201600029351.2 in the Official Records, Orange County. The Development <br />Agreement establishes vested development rights for the Heritage Village Project (the "Project") <br />on an 18,84 acre parcel located at the northwesterly comer of East Dyer Road and Redhill <br />Avenue in the City, <br />1.2. Amendment to Developmmn Ayreement, Section 4.3 of the Development <br />Agreement provides that the Development Agreement may be amended from time to time by the <br />mutual consent of the parties provided it is done in a manner consistent with California <br />Government Code Section 65868. Government Code Section 65868 requires that an amendment <br />to a development agreement be subject to a public hearing held byboth the Planning <br />Commission and the, City Council Pursuant to appropriate notice and that the amendment be <br />approved by ordinance and be consistent with the general plan and any applicable specific plait <br />1,1 Phasing of In Lieu Fees. Pursuant to Section 5.8 of the Development <br />Agreement, the Project will be developed in three phases as more fully described in the <br />Development Agreement. Pursuant to Section 5.9 of the Development Agreement the Owner is <br />obligated to pay the City an in lieu fee of $9.35 per square foot of habitable space in order to <br />fulfill its inclusionary housing requirement. Section 5.9 does not indicate when the in lieu fees <br />are to be paid. Section 41,1904(c)(3) of the City Zoning Code addresses the payment of such <br />fees and states that: "The developer shall pay any in lieu fees allowed by this section in full <br />before issuance of the First building permit for any portion of the residential project, including <br />any non-residential portions of a mixed use development." Both the Owner and the City have <br />detennitied that it is in the best interest of both parties to allow for a phased payment of the in <br />lieu fees pursuant to the terms of this Amendment No. '1 to the Development Agreement, <br />I IZ1867,011OC _ <br />372947-00065iI1-7-161wrc1l111d <br />75B-19 <br />