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(f) Many of the extraordinary and significant benefits identified as <br />consideration to City for entering into this Development Agreement <br />are of regional significance, relate to existing deficiencies in public <br />facilities, require Owner to contribute a greater percentage of <br />benefits than would otherwise be required, and represent benefits <br />which would not otherwise be required as part of the development <br />process. <br />1.4 Ownership. Owner represents and warrants that it has a legal or <br />equitable interest in the Property. <br />1.5 Interest of Owner. Owner represents that it has approved this <br />Development Agreement and is authorized to enter into this Development <br />Agreement. <br />1,6 Public Hearings, The Development Agreement was the subject of the <br />following public hearings: <br />(a) Planning Commission, On October 12, 2015, the Planning <br />Commission, after giving notice pursuant to Government Code <br />Sections 65090 and 65091, held a public hearing to consider the <br />Owner's application for this Development Agreement and the <br />environmental documentation evaluating the potential impacts of <br />the proposed project. <br />(b) City Council, On February 2, 2016, the City Council, after <br />providing notice as required by law, held a public hearing to <br />consider Owner's application for this Development Agreement and <br />the proposed project. <br />(c) Environmental Analysis. Before approving this Development <br />Agreement, the Planning Commission and the City Council <br />reviewed the Environmental Impact Report, and the City Council <br />certified Final Environmental Impact Report No, 2015-01. <br />1.7 City Council Findings, The City Council finds that this Development <br />Agreement is consistent with the General Plan, as amended by General <br />Plan Amendment No. 2015-03, applicable specific plan(s), applicable <br />zoning regulations, and all other applicable ordinances, plans, policies and <br />regulations of the City. <br />1.8 City Ordinance. On February 2, 2016, the City Council adopted <br />Ordinance No. NS -2892 approving this Development Agreement. That <br />ordinance becomes effective thirty (30) days after the date of adoption. <br />2. DEFINITIONS. In this Development Agreement, unless the context otherwise <br />requires: <br />75B-26 <br />