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TEFRA Public Hearing for Orange County Bar Foundation <br />January 17, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />development programs, Higher Education Mentoring and Project SELF, to health education <br />programs, Madres Unidas and Cuidate. <br />The City is an associate member of the Authority, a joint powers agency established by the <br />California Association for Local Economic Development whose purpose is to issue tax - exempt <br />and taxable conduit revenue bonds to fund commercial and industrial development projects <br />within member jurisdictions. <br />The Joint Powers Act, comprising Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 <br />(commencing with Section 6500) of the Government Code of the State of California and Internal <br />Revenue Code Section 145 provide for the issuance of tax - exempt "private activity" obligations <br />by a conduit governmental issuer on behalf of a 501(c)(3) corporation to finance facilities used, <br />owned and /or operated by such entity. For interest on such private activity obligations to be tax - <br />exempt, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code requires, among other things, the <br />obligations and the facilities financed thereby must be approved by both the governmental unit <br />which will issue the obligations (in this case, the Authority) and the governmental unit in which the <br />obligation- financed facilities are located (City of Santa Ana). Further, a public hearing, for which <br />reasonable notice has been given, must be held. This hearing and process is referred to as Tax <br />Equity and Financial Responsibility Act ( TEFRA), after the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility <br />Act of 1982. <br />The assets to be financed with the proceeds of the Obligations are located within the jurisdiction <br />of the City. Therefore, the City has been asked to conduct the public hearing, and to approve the <br />Obligations as the host governmental unit. The City has effectuated proper notice of the hearing <br />via publication at least 14 days in advance. <br />The Obligations will be payable solely from amounts received pursuant to the terms and <br />provisions of one or more loan agreements to be executed by the Authority and the Foundation. <br />The City will not be a party to any loan agreement or any other documents in connection with the <br />issuance of the Obligations. The Obligations will not be secured by any form of taxation or by <br />any obligation of either the City or the Authority. Neither will the Obligations represent or <br />constitute a general obligation of either the City or the Authority. <br />As announced in the published notice, the TEFRA hearing is an opportunity for all interested <br />persons to speak or to submit written comments concerning the proposal to issue the Obligations <br />to finance the Facilities. There is no requirement that either the Foundation or the City Council <br />respond to any specific comments made or submitted at the hearing. <br />STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br />Approval of this item supports the City's efforts to meet Goal #2 — Youth, Education, Recreation, <br />Objective #4 (Partner with groups and organizations to promote education, senior services, job <br />training and development for all Santa Ana residents). <br />75A -2 <br />