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Mitre -Ramirez, Norma <br />From: <br /> <br />Sent: <br />Tuesday, January 17, 2017 11:47 AM <br />To: <br />eComment <br />Subject: <br />Agenda Item 65E, EVALUATION OF OPTIONS CONCERNING POTENTIAL TRANSITION <br />TO A BY -DISTRICT ELECTIONS SYSTEM <br />RE: 01/17/17 Agenda Item 65E, EVALUATION OF OPTIONS CONCERNING POTENTIAL TRANSITION <br />TO A BY -DISTRICT ELECTIONS SYSTEM <br />Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, <br />After our two newest Councilmembers were purchased and delivered by the SAPOA, can there be any more <br />evidence that we must improve the residency requirement and change to district elections in our City? <br />Do what is in the best interest of our City and our residents. A govermnent by the people and for the people, not <br />purchased by a Union, most of whose members don't even live within our City. Any of you offended by the <br />above statements, is only further evidence that you care more about your personal agenda than what is best for <br />our City. <br />Sincerely, <br />David Hoen <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />