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COOP13RATIVB AORgIIAMTPOR <br />OFF -1W r ROROVRMBNTS <br />THiS Agrooment is entered into this day of. - - -- - -, 2405, by attd between <br />Uro SANDPOINTB NBIOUORHOOD ASSOCIATION, INC„ a California, non•prof(t public <br />hanoffl and Ncral501(c)(3) corporation ("Sandpoiiito"), IhoNBXUS DBvHLOPMBNT <br />CORPORATION/0814L DrVISION, INC. n Caiiformia corporaflon will The Ormid Plwr 2, <br />LLC, it CaliforniaLW10 Liabllily Coanpany (colteotivoiy referred to heroht as "Nexus), <br />COASTAL RTMPROPBRTBIS, INC,, a CnIlfbilUacoritoralion ("Cenovn Gammons,%the <br />COMMUNITY RBDBWLOPMBNT AQBNCY OF THE C& OP SANTA ANA, apublic body <br />cottwrale and pclilio (the "Agency"), and the CITY OF SANTA ANA, a charter city aadmuniolpal <br />cogrornUon duly argart{xed and existhtg under flue Constitution and laws ofiho Stato of California <br />(the "City") <br />WfIM.SSBTH <br />A. Nexus ties proposed conslnrating at Helton Ceptor a flue loves rosidalnlaf <br />condominlwm project, 1144 23•re5ldenUat )evol enndoraiahtn ldght rloo and one 24-resldonlial level <br />eondombtiuna.(for a total not to exceed 835 oondonth>hnn wills), together with auoillary, retail riot <br />to exceed 14,000 square feel (the'Tlexus Projcel" ), <br />D. Ocnova Commons haspreposed constntoting at lite northeast comor oWwAritnlr <br />Boulevard and haparial Promcoado mi approxhnntcly 278-mUt eondornfmhtm project cunslsling of <br />an 18-rosidenlial love! high rise project and wt olghtatory building, 10891hor with wtolltary retail <br />(tilt+" Ocneva Commons Project'), <br />C. Sandpoluto Is a non-profit cerporallon that serves as a eonduilbolve"n the <br />Sondpohnto Nolghborlwod ("N'olgllborltoo(V") and outside community and polll(oal Inlores(s, <br />Sandpotnte Nelghborhood to a rosldoni(at nolgbborhdod ofsingto family and some multi -family <br />homes In Ute souUrosat portion of8wrta Alta. The SandpolntoNalghborhood consists of <br />approximately 800 residences, Swrdpolntodoesnot have Use mithodly to bled any individual <br />rasldanl of the SandpehtlaNefgitbortmod. <br />D, xlroAgouoy Is a cornmuttltyredovolopmarrt agmloy, as lint Conn is 4e8uod hr <br />Callforaia Hoalth & Safety Code § 33100, In 1982, the Agency Premed Ute Soule Main <br />Redovolopmamt Project Arca (Trojeol Area"), and Nexus and Ounova Commons aro located within <br />Ilse Pxajeot Arcs, <br />B. S Mdp'olole has fdenlffied eonatn physleat Improvontents needed lir tho area of the <br />Neighborhood thdare neoessllated by or would iu some way offset lite hupaol ofUro two <br />davcloprndnt projects. Nexus a rd Oaneva Conmrons'doslro to confrlbuto towards Uracoat ond/or <br />eonstrucilon ofthosolnplovemanls to tileSandpohtto neighborhood in addlllon to mid to <br />. Bx�lilllx D <br />ordinance No, NS 2040 1 <br />Page 10 of 611 <br />