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Performance The performance period for FY16 EMPG is July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2017. All <br />Period subaward activities must be completed and all grant funds expended within this period. <br />Pending receipt of all valid application materials, subrecipients may request retroactive <br />reimbursement of Financial Management Forms Workbook (FMFW) approved activities and <br />budgeted items to the start of the performance period listed above; with the exception of <br />equipment and critical emergency supplies. Procurement of equipment and critical emergency <br />supplies shall occur only after the OA is in award, and any applicable federal, as well as state, <br />restrictions associated with these items have been met. <br />Match The FY16 EMPG requires a dollar- for - dollar match. This can be cash or third party in -kind <br />Requirements contributions. Refer to 2 C.F.R. § 200.29 and § 200.306 for specific details. <br />Allocations and California will subaward a total of $15,481,623 to Operational Areas. The local allocations <br />Methodology were determined using a $125,000 base award, with remaining funds distributed using per <br />capita figures in the Department of Finance's yearly report called: <br />E -1: City /County Population Estimates with Annual Percent Changes <br />Excess Funds While developing an application, if it is determined that all allocated funds cannot be <br />expended by the end of the performance period and the need to return funds to Cal OES exists, <br />then it will be necessary to complete the Excess Funds Statement Forma These funds may <br />then be reallocated to other OAs who have identified one -time projects they would like to <br />undertake; if funding is available and the project is selected for funding by Cal OES. <br />Indirect Costs Indirect costs are allowable under the FY16 EMPG subaward. Subrecipients wishing to <br />claim indirect costs may do so using either of the following two methods: <br />1. Subrecipients with an indirect cost rate approved by their cognizant federal <br />agency may claim indirect costs based on the established rate. Indirect costs <br />claimed must be calculated using the base approved in the indirect cost <br />Negotiation Agreement. A copy of the approved Negotiation Agreement is <br />required at the time of application. <br />2. Subrecipients who have never received a negotiated indirect cost rate and <br />receive less than $35 million in direct federal funding per year may claim the <br />10% de minimis indirect cost rate based on Modified Total Direct Costs <br />(MTDC) as described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.68 and Subpart E. <br />Indirect costs are in addition to the M &A allowance, and must be included in the <br />subaward application as a "Project" and reflected in the FMFW on the Indirect Cost <br />Category Ledger if being claimed under the subaward. <br />Conflict of Subrecipients must disclose to their Cal OES EMPG Program Specialist, in writing, <br />Interest any real or potential conflict of interest as defined by the federal, state, local, or tribal <br />statutes or regulations or their own existing policies, which may arise during the <br />administration of the EMPG award within five days of learning of the conflict of <br />interest. <br />'This report can be accessed at the following website: htW: / /www dof ea gov /research/demographic /reports /estimates /e -1 /view nht). <br />'This form is located at: http• / /www caloes ca gov /GraptsManagementSite/ Pages /Emergency- Management - Performance- Grant.aspx, under <br />EMPG Forms. <br />[21 <br />55A -122 <br />