Laserfiche WebLink
If claiming Indirect costs under the award, provide detailed Information on the total estimated indirect costs and the indirect cost rate at which, you <br />will be claiming. If you have a federally- <br />approved rate, provide Information on the direct cost base on which, the rate Is calculated, e.g., Salary and <br />Wages (S /W), Salary, Wages and Benefits (SW &B), Total Direct Costs (TDC), Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC), the De Minimis Rate of 10% of <br />MTDC (10% MTDC). or another base (Other). <br />Project <br />Select the project letter from the drop -down list, or manually enter the letter In capitalization format. <br />Activity <br />Provide detailed Information on Indirect Cost activity. <br />Funding Source <br />Select a Funding Source from the drop -down list. A full description of the Funding Source can be viewed In Comments (place <br />(place curser over Column F, Row 21). <br />curser over Column D, Row 21). <br />Solution Area Sub - Category <br />Select a Solution Area Sub-Category from the drop -down Ilst. <br />ICR Base <br />Select an JCR Base from the drop -down list. <br />Rate <br />Enterthe Percentage Rate. <br />Budgeted Cost <br />Enter the total amount of grant funding budgeted for each project In this column. <br />Amount Approved Previous <br />Automatic calculation of amount approved previous. Werali on not enter infamalso In this column, contains formulas. <br />Amount This Request <br />For Reimbursement requests, enter the requested amount of reimbursement In this column. <br />Reimbursement Request Number <br />Enter the Reimbursement Request number. <br />Total Approved <br />Automatic calculation of total reimbursed. Winning, DOnotenter lnrcrmationinthls column, contains fo,mulas <br />Remaining Balance <br />Automatic calculation of remaining balance. Wanningi Do notenter Information in this column, contomsformulas. <br />Provide information on who is being paid with grant funds, and what consultant/contractor costs are being charged to the grant. <br />Project <br />Select the project letter from the drop -down list, or manually enter the letter in capitalization format. <br />Consulting Firm <br />Provide the name of the Consulting Firm and Consultant Name. <br />& Consultant Name <br />Project & Description of Services <br />Provide detailed Information on the project and description of services. <br />Deliverable <br />If your consultant/contractor invoiced you for their services using a fee for each deliverable ($10,000 for a reverse 911 /telephone <br />(place curser over Column F, Row 21). <br />emergency notification system), then describe the product In the Deliverable column, <br />Solution Area <br />Select a Solution Area from the drop -down list. <br />Solution Area Sub- Category <br />Select a Solution Area Sub Category from the drop -down list. This list is dependent an a selection from the Solution Area <br />Category drop -down list. The Solution Area Sub- Category will not display the drop -down list unless a Solution Area Category Is <br />Category drop -down list. The Solution Area Sub- Category will not display the drop -down list unless a Solution Area Category Is <br />selected. <br />selected. <br />Expenditure Category <br />Select an Expenditure Category tram the drop -down list. This list is dependent on a selection from the Solution Area Sub - <br />Provide the Total Salary and Benefits Charqed for the Reporting Period <br />Category drop -down list. The Expenditure Category will not display the drop -dawn list unless a Solution Area Sub- Category Is <br />selected. <br />Period of Expenditure <br />Enter the Period of Expenditure In this column. <br />Fee for Deliverable <br />If your consultant/contractor Invoiced you for their services using a fee for each deliverable ($10,000 for a reverse 911 /telephone <br />emergency notlficabon system), then FlII In the cost for the product in the Fee for Deliverable column. <br />Billable Hour Breakdown section <br />If your consultant/contractor Invoiced you for their services using an hourly rate ($50 /hour for 10 hours of work), then III In the <br />three (3) columns of the Billable Hour Breakdown. <br />Reimbursement Request Number <br />Enter the Reimbursement Request number. <br />Total Cost Charged to this Grant <br />Enter the Total Cost Charged to the Grant In this column. <br />Provide information on who is being paid with grant funds, and what staff costs are being charged to the grant. <br />Project Select the project letter from the drop -down list, or manually enter the letter In capitalization format. <br />Employee Name <br />Provide the name of the employee. <br />Project/Deliverable <br />Provide detailed information on the project and description of services. <br />Funding Source <br />Select a Funding Source from the drop -down list, A full description of the Funding Source can be viewed In Comments <br />(place curser over Column E, Row 21), <br />Discipline <br />Select a Discipline from the drop -down list. A full description of the Disciplines can be viewed In Comments <br />(place curser over Column F, Row 21). <br />Solution Area <br />Select a Solution Area from the drop -dawn list. <br />Solution Area Sub-Category <br />Select a Solution Area Sub- Category from the drop -down list. This list Is dependent on a selection from the Solution Area <br />Category drop -down list. The Solution Area Sub- Category will not display the drop -down list unless a Solution Area Category Is <br />selected. <br />Dates of Payroll Period <br />Provide the Dates of the Payroll Period. <br />Total Salary and Benefits Charged <br />Provide the Total Salary and Benefits Charqed for the Reporting Period <br />for this Reporting Period <br />Total Project Hours Enter the Total Project Hours in this column. <br />FNM�= =B -2016 55A -14 <br />