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this CONTRACT will be a "work made for hire," whether that person is an <br />employee of CONTRACTOR or that person has entered into a contract with <br />CONTRACTOR to perform the work. CONTRACTOR shall enter into a <br />written contract with any such person that (i) all work performed for <br />CONTRACTOR shall be deemed a "work made for hire" under the <br />Copyright Act and (ii) that person shall assign all right, title, and interest to <br />COUNTY to any work product made, conceived, derived from or reduced <br />to practice by CONTRACTOR or COUNTY and which result directly or <br />indirectly from this CONTRACT. <br />ii. All materials, including, but not limited to, computer software, visual works <br />or text, reproduced or distributed pursuant to this CONTRACT that include <br />Intellectual Property made, conceived, derived from, or reduced to practice <br />by CONTRACTOR or COUNTY and which result directly or indirectly from <br />this CONTRACT may not be reproduced or disseminated without prior <br />written permission from COUNTY. <br />E. Patent Rights. <br />With respect to inventions made by CONTRACTOR in the performance of this <br />CONTRACT, which did not result from research and development specifically <br />included in the CONTRACT's Scope of Services, CONTRACTOR hereby grants <br />to COUNTY a license as described under Paragraph twenty-four (24)(C) for <br />devices or material incorporating, or made through the use of such inventions. If <br />such inventions result from research and development work specifically included <br />within the CONTRACT's Scope of Services, then CONTRACTOR agrees to assign <br />to COUNTY, without additional compensation, all its right, title and interest in and <br />to such inventions and to assist COUNTY in securing United States and foreign <br />patents with respect thereto. <br />F. Third -Party Intellectual Property. <br />Except as provided herein, CONTRACTOR agrees that its performance of this <br />CONTRACT shall not be dependent upon or include any Intellectual Property of <br />CONTRACTOR or third party without first: (i) obtaining COUNTY'S prior written <br />approval; and (ii) granting to or obtaining for COUNTY'S, without additional <br />compensation, a license, as described in Paragraph twenty-four (24)(C), for any of <br />CONTRACTOR's or third -party's Intellectual Property in existence prior to the <br />effective date of this CONTRACT. If such a license upon these terms is <br />unattainable, and COUNTY determines that the Intellectual Property should be <br />included in or is required for CONTRACTOR's performance of this CONTRACT, <br />CONTRACTOR shall obtain a license under terms acceptable to COUNTY. <br />G. Warranties. <br />L CONTRACTOR represents and warrants that: <br />a. CONTRACTOR has secured and will secure all rights and licenses <br />necessary for its performance of this CONTRACT. <br />b. Neither CONTRACTOR's performance of this CONTRACT, nor the <br />exercise by either PARTY of the rights granted in this CONTRACT, nor <br />any use, reproduction, manufacture, sale, offer to sell, import, export, <br />modification, public and private display/performance, distribution, and <br />disposition of the Intellectual Property made, conceived, derived from, <br />or reduced to practice by CONTRACTOR or COUNTY and which result <br />directly or indirectly from this CONTRACT will infringe upon or violate <br />any Intellectual Property right, non -disclosure obligation, or other <br />County of Orange Page 16 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />