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treatment with respect to any determinations concerning the performance of the <br />CONTRACT. For breach or violation of this warranty, the COUNTY shall have the <br />right to terminate the CONTRACT, either in whole or in part, and any loss or <br />damage sustained by the COUNTY in procuring on the open market any services <br />which the CONTRACTOR agreed to supply shall be borne and paid for by the <br />CONTRACTOR. The rights and remedies of the COUNTY provided in this <br />Paragraph 28 shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and <br />remedies provided by law or under the CONTRACT. <br />29. Sectarian Activities: CONTRACTOR certifies that this CONTRACT does not aid or <br />advance any religious sect, church or creed for a purpose that is sectarian in nature, nor <br />does it help to support or sustain any school, college, university, hospital or other institution <br />controlled by any religious creed, church, or sectarian denomination. <br />30. Drug Free Workplace: CONTRACTOR shall execute and abide by the Drug Free <br />Workplace Certification attached hereto as Exhibit 2 and incorporated herein by this <br />reference. <br />31. Debarment: CONTRACTOR shall execute and abide by the Debarment & Suspension <br />Certification, attached hereto as Exhibit 3 and incorporated herein by this reference, and <br />by so doing declares that it is not debarred or suspended or otherwise excluded from or <br />ineligible for participation in Federal/State assistance programs in accordance with 29 <br />CFR Part 98. <br />32. Lobbying: <br />A. CONTRACTOR shall execute and abide by the terms of the "Certification <br />Regarding -Lobbying," whichisattached-hereto as-Exhibit4 and -incorporated herein <br />by this reference. CONTRACTOR shall complete and immediately forward to the <br />COUNTY'S PROJECT MANAGER the "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," a <br />copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit 5 and incorporated herein by this <br />reference, if CONTRACTOR, or any person, fine or corporation acting on <br />CONTRACTOR's behalf, engaged or engages in lobbying any federal office, <br />employee, elected official or agency with respect to this CONTRACT or funds to be <br />received by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this CONTRACT. <br />B. CONTRACTOR agrees that the funds provided herein shall not be used to promote, <br />directly or indirectly, any political party, political candidate or political activity, except <br />as permitted by law. <br />C. CONTRACTOR shall be in compliance with the Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment (31 <br />U.S.C. 1352 and 29 CFR Part 93). <br />33. Fraud: CONTRACTOR shall immediately report all suspected or known instances and <br />facts concerning possible fraud, abuse or criminal activity under this CONTRACT. <br />CONTRACTOR shall inform staff and the general public of how to report fraud, waste or <br />abuse through appropriate postings of incident reporting notice. The County's Anti -Fraud <br />Program can be accessed through: <br />34. Standards of Conduct: <br />A. General Assurance. Every reasonable course of action will be taken by <br />CONTRACTOR in order to maintain the integrity of this expenditure of public funds <br />and to avoid favoritism and questionable or improper conduct. <br />This CONTRACT will be administered in an impartial manner, free from efforts to <br />attain personal, financial or political gain. CONTRACTOR, its officers and <br />County of Orange Page 20 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />