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General Terms and Conditions: <br />A. Governing Law and Venue: This CONTRACT has been negotiated and executed in the <br />State of California and shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of <br />California. In the event of any legal action to enforce or interpret this CONTRACT, the <br />sole and exclusive venue shall be a court of competent jurisdiction located in Orange <br />COUNTY, California, and the PARTIES hereto agree to and do hereby submit to the <br />jurisdiction of such court, notwithstanding Code of Civil Procedure Section 394. <br />Furthermore, the PARTIES specifically agree to waive any and all rights to request that <br />an action be transferred for trial to another COUNTY. ' <br />B. Entire Contract: This CONTRACT, including Attachments A, B, C and D, and Exhibits <br />1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, <br />when accepted by the CONTRACTOR either in writing or by the shipment of any article <br />or other commencement of performance hereunder, contains the entire CONTRACT <br />between the PARTIES with respect to the matters herein, and there are no restrictions, <br />promises, warranties or undertakings other than those set forth herein or referred to <br />herein. No exceptions, alternatives, substitutes or revisions are valid or binding on <br />COUNTY unless authorized by COUNTY in writing. Electronic acceptance of any <br />additional terms, conditions or supplemental contracts by any COUNTY employee or <br />agent, including but not limited to installers of software, shall not be valid or binding on <br />COUNTY unless accepted in writing by CONTRACT MANAGER. <br />C. Amendments: No alteration or variation of the terms of this CONTRACT shall be valid <br />unless made in writing and signed by the PARTIES ; no oral understanding or agreement <br />not incorporated herein shall be binding on either of the PARTIES; and no exceptions, <br />alternatives, substitutes or revisions are valid or binding on COUNTY unless authorized <br />by COUNTY in writing. <br />D. Taxes: Intentionally left blank. <br />E. Delivery: Time of delivery of services is of the essence in this CONTRACT. COUNTY <br />reserves the right to refuse any services and to cancel all or any part of the descriptions <br />or services that do not conform to the prescribed Scope of Services. Delivery shall not be <br />deemed to be complete until all services have actually been received and accepted in <br />writing by COUNTY. <br />F. Acceptance/Payment: Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the COUNTY, 1) <br />acceptance shall not be deemed complete unless in writing and until all the services have <br />actually been received to the satisfaction of COUNTY, and 2) payment shall be made in <br />arrears after satisfactory acceptance. <br />G. Warranty: CONTRACTOR expressly warrants that the services covered by this <br />CONTRACT are fit for the particular purpose for which they are intended. Acceptance of <br />this order shall constitute an agreement upon CONTRACTOR's part to indemnify, defend <br />and hold COUNTY and COUNTY INDEMNITEES as identified in Paragraph HH below, <br />and as more fully described in Paragraph HH, harmless from liability, loss, damage and <br />expense, including reasonable counsel fees, incurred or sustained by COUNTY by reason <br />of the failure of the services to conform to such warranties, faulty work performance, <br />negligent or unlawful acts, and non-compliance with any applicable state or federal codes, <br />ordinances, orders, or statutes, including the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) <br />and the California Industrial Safety Act. Such remedies shall be in addition to any other <br />remedies provided by law. <br />H. Patent/Copyright Materials/Proprietary Infringement: Unless otherwise expressly <br />provided in this CONTRACT, CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for clearing the <br />County of Orange Page 29 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-R WS <br />