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All insurance policies required by this CONTRACT shall waive all rights of subrogation <br />against the County of Orange, its elected and appointed officials, officers, agents and <br />employees when acting within the scope of their appointment or employment. <br />CONTRACTOR shall notify COUNTY in writing within thirty (30) days of any policy <br />cancellation and ten (10) days for non-payment of premium and provide a copy of the <br />cancellation notice to COUNTY. Failure to provide written notice of cancellation may <br />constitute a material breach of the CONTRACT, upon which the COUNTY may suspend <br />or terminate this CONTRACT. <br />If CONTRACTOR's Professional Liability, Technology Errors & Omissions and/or Network <br />Security & Privacy Liability are "Claims Made" policy(ies), CONTRACTOR shall agree to <br />maintain coverage for two (2) years following the completion of the CONTRACT. <br />The Commercial General Liability policy shall contain a severability of interests clause also <br />known as a "separation of insureds" clause (standard in the ISO CG 0001 policy). <br />'Insurance certificates should be forwarded to the agency/department address listed on <br />the solicitation. <br />If the CONTRACTOR fails to provide the insurance certificates and endorsements within <br />seven (7) days of notification to OC Community Resources/Contract Development & <br />Management, award may be made to the next qualified CONTRACTOR. <br />COUNTY expressly retains the right to require CONTRACTOR to increase or decrease <br />insurance of any of the above insurance types throughout the term of this CONTRACT. <br />Any increase or decrease in insurance will be as deemed by County of Orange Risk <br />MANAGER as appropriate to adequately protect COUNTY. <br />COUNTY shall notify CONTRACTOR in writing of changes in the insurance requirements. <br />If CONTRACTOR does not deposit copies of acceptable Certificates of Insurance and <br />endorsements with COUNTY incorporating such changes within thirty (30) days of receipt <br />of such notice, this CONTRACT may be in breach without further notice to <br />CONTRACTOR, and COUNTY shall be entitled to all legal remedies. <br />The procuring of such required policy or policies of insurance shall not be construed to <br />limit CONTRACTOR's liability hereunder nor to fulfill the indemnification provisions and <br />requirements of this CONTRACT, nor act in any way to reduce the policy coverage and <br />limits available from the insurer. <br />*Certificate Holder Information <br />The County of Orange has contracted with Ebix RCS to monitor insurance certificates and <br />endorsements for compliance with the above requirements. Upon initial award of a <br />CONTRACT, the certificate(s) and endorsements(s) should be forwarded to the <br />agency/department address listed on the solicitation. The COUNTY will forward these <br />documents to Ebix RCS on your behalf. Ebix RCS may contact you to advise you of <br />deficiencies and request corrected documents. Please cooperate with their request for <br />information or corrections in order for the COUNTY to continue your CONTRACT through <br />the expiration date. <br />Q. Bills and Liens: Intentionally left blank. <br />R. Changes: Intentionally left blank. <br />County of Orange Page 33 of 37 City of Santa Ana <br />OC Community Resources Contract FYs 2016-18 RWS Professional -MI Contract # 16-28-0039-RWS <br />