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City Council (2004 - Present)
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Mitre -Ramirez, Norma <br />From: Hilary McCreery < <br />Sent: Saturday, February 4, 2017 9:22 AM <br />To: eComment <br />Subject: Letter in Support of Makara Center for the Arts - CEPG <br />Categories: Correspondence <br />Dear Mayor Pulido and City Council Members, <br />My name is Hilary Holley and I'm a Librarian as well as Board Treasurer of Makara Center for the Arts, an arts & <br />culture nonprofit based in Santa Ana. For the past 10 years, I have worked with various nonprofit arts <br />organizations, museums, and libraries, including PEN Center USA, the UCLA Library, Claremont Museum of Art, <br />and currently Oceanside Public Library in north San Diego County. Serving on the board of Makara has provided <br />me an opportunity to get to know Santa Ana as a city and community. I have come to understand that it is a vibrant <br />and inclusive place, home to a wide variety of residents that represent families who have lived here for decades and <br />newer arrivals looking to shape the future of the community. I know that Makara's mission is tooted in both serving <br />and celebrating this unique community and as the City moves forward with an economic and municipal <br />revitalization, Makara will contribute to this exciting new era by ensuring that all residents have easy access to arts <br />and culture resources and programming. I have known and worked with Marytza Rubio, Executive Director of <br />Makara, for many years and am consistently impressed by her passion for her community and her drive to make a <br />difference there. I am confident in her ability to lead our organization to success and make a lasting impact on the <br />City. <br />Makara is one of the community organizations that was recommended to receive funding through the one -tune <br />Community Enhancement Program Grant. The rating panel recommended our organization to receive between <br />$35,000 - $38,000 for our Lending Library & Art Center. While this represents less than 1% of the city's budget <br />surplus, this funding will enable our organization to serve over 3,000 Santa Ana residents in one year. Makara's <br />professional development programs will support the city's continued economic development, and the Lending <br />Library will contribute to crime prevention by providing an after-school haven for youth to enrich themselves <br />through art and literature. <br />With the CEPG funding, we look forward to establishing a Lending Library & Art Center and building a network of <br />Little Free Libraries in the city to complement the city's efforts in increasing education and wellness for its <br />residents. Providing residents with free access to education and literature will only further the city's goals to increase <br />public safety, engage youth, and provide economic development opportunities for residents. Libraries and arts <br />organizations seek to inspire, educate, and connect residents and are dedicated to cultivating a physical space for the <br />community to meet and exchange ideas. Now more than ever, there must be a place in the community for this kind <br />of dialogue as well as a space to engage with each other and express ourselves creatively. By providing this space, as <br />well as access to resources and programming, libraries and arts organizations have the unique ability to transform <br />lives and make a measurable difference in the community. The initiatives that Makara has set out to achieve will <br />benefit residents of Santa Ana and encourage the intellectual and artistic growth of the City, as a whole. <br />Thank you for your commitment and service to Santa Ana. I look forward to meeting you at a future Makara event. <br />
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