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Santa Ana. Truly, books provide an entrance to the rest of the universe. 1 recall the very first <br />story,"Aladdin's Lamp", that had the effect of transporting me to another world. Throughout my childhood <br />and into adulthood, books have been my companions. Our daughters were read to and frequent trips to <br />the library and bookstores were part of our family's outings. 1 believe that Makara can be another vital <br />resource in Santa Ana to provide access to books and also broaden interest in literary activities — reading, <br />creative writing, book discussions — and contribute to the strengthening of our cultural and intellectual <br />infrastructure. I believe that such activities have the potential to create a ripple effect, benefiting <br />individuals, families, and communities. <br />I urge you to continue your commitment to community organizations that serve our residents and <br />neighborhoods by voting in favor of the CEPG. <br />Jeanette Rubio <br />