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ABSENT: None (0) <br />65C. AGENDA ITEM CONSIDERED OUT OF ORDER <br />*Mayor Pulido declared a potential conflict of interest on Agenda Item 75A, abstained and left <br />the dais for the duration of deliberation on said item. <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />75A. PUBLIC HEARING - ORDINANCE TO REGULATE MOBILE FOOD VENDING <br />VEHICLES {STRATEGIC PLAN NO 5, 41 - Planning and Building Agency; and <br />City Attorney's Office <br />Matter continued from the December 20, 2016 City Council at the request of <br />staff. <br />Legal Notice published in the Orange County Reporter, Orange County <br />Register, and La Opinion onl�nuary 27, 2017 and notices mailed to mobile <br />vendors on January 31, 2017. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Martinez opened the Hearing. <br />The following spoke on the matter: <br />• Irma Macias, supports proposed ordinance; need to regulate vending <br />vehicles. <br />• Alex Soriano, supports mobile vending businesses that have provided small <br />business opportunities. <br />• Ricardo Cabanas, business owner, interested in learning regulations <br />proposed. <br />• Hugo Munoz, supports businesses and industry. <br />• Jose Guzman, spoke in support of mobile vendors; need to legalize mobile <br />vending businesses like the City of Los Angeles. <br />• Evangeline Gawronski, spoke in support of proposed ordinance; need to <br />inspect vehicles and regulate. <br />• Chris Schmit, spoke in favor of proposal; will ensure that they do not operate <br />in neighborhoods illegally; enforce the 100 feet requirement to protect <br />pedestrians. <br />There were no other speakers and the Hearing closed. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Martinez, concerned with public safety element although <br />understand that it is vital part of our community; need to regulate and permit. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, proposed a 2 week continuance. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 21 FEBRUARY 7, 2017 <br />