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APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENTS FOR THE LOAN AGREEMENTS <br />{STRATEGIC PLAN NO. 5, 3C} <br />At its regular meeting on January 25, 2017, by a vote of 6-0 the Community <br />Redevelopment and Housing Commission recommended that the City Council <br />and Housing Authority approve the recommended actions. <br />The following spoke on the matter: <br />• Isuri Ramos, representing the Kennedy Commission, supports project and <br />recommendation. <br />• Ana Urzua, spoke in support of proposal, project will provide tangible <br />benefits for the renters in our community and allow for dignified living <br />conditions. <br />• Apolonio Cortes, member of SACReD, supports better living conditions; <br />renters spend more than 50% of their salaries on housing costs. <br />• Joese Hernandez, supports mobile food vendors and goes hand in hand with <br />Sanctuary City; supports AMCAL project and affordable housing; need to <br />protect all community residents. <br />• Cesar Covarrubia, Executive Director of Kennedy Commission, opined that <br />City needs to leverage state grants and invest in our community. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, would like to hear from Heritage and AMCAL <br />developers to provide background and context as to proposed project. <br />Mario Turner, representing AMCAL, provided support letters for the record. <br />Ryan Olgunik, Heritage Project developer, indicated that they vetted AMCAL <br />project and community benefits; noted that Keyser Marsten reviewed the fiscal <br />feasibility. <br />Councilmember Sarmiento, noted that Planning Commission approved and City <br />Council committed to project in April of 2016; motion to approve item as <br />recommended. <br />Mr. Turner, stated that project has community support; tax credits needed to <br />complete project; AMCAL owns the land; project in Housing Element area which <br />is designated affordable housing site; commit to approve in March or July for tax <br />credits. <br />Councilmember Solorio, concerned with timing of project and pending tax reform <br />that may have detrimental effects on project; requested comparable subsidy <br />information to evaluate this project; supports continuance of item to evaluate all <br />information and make determination. <br />Councilmember Villegas, concerned that commitment to project will now allow <br />City to fully leverage funds. <br />Councilmember Benavides, pleased with units proposed and amenities offered; <br />concerned with the amount of money the City is committing to the project; tying <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 25 FEBRUARY 7, 2017 <br />