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Travel <br />Domestic travel costs are allowed Linder this program, as provided for in this <br />NOFO. International travel is not an allowable cost under this program Unless <br />approved in advance by FEMA. <br />Construction and Renovation <br />Constriction and renovation costs are allowed under this program only as <br />described in this NOFO. <br />Operational Overtime <br />Operational Overtime costs are allowed under this program only as described in <br />this NOFO. <br />Maintenance and Sustainrnent <br />Funding may be used for the sustainment of programs that help achieve core <br />capabilities that, while they may not be physically deployable, support national <br />response capabilities such as Geographic/Geospatial Information Systems (GIS), <br />interoperable communications systems, capabilities as defined under the <br />Response Mission Area of the Goal, and fusion centers. <br />For additional details on the use of funds, please refer to Appendix 3 -FY 2015 <br />EMPG funding Guidelines, <br />Management and Administration (NYIB&A) <br />Management and Administration (M&A) activities are those directly related to managing <br />and administering the award, such as financial management and monitoring, It should be <br />noted that salaries of state and local emergency managers are not typically categorized as <br />M&A, unless the state or local EMA chooses to assign personnel to specific M&A <br />activities. <br />M&A costs are allowable for both state and local -level EMAs. The state EMA may use <br />up to five percent (5%) of the EMPG award for M&A purposes. In addition, local EIiIA.s <br />may retain and use up to five percent (5%) of the amount received from the state for local <br />M&A purposes. <br />If the SAA is not the state -level EMA, the SAA is not eligible to retain funds for M&A. <br />Indirect or Facilities and Administrative (F &A) Costs <br />Indirect costs are allowable under this program as described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.414. With <br />the exception of recipients who have never received a negotiated indirect cost rate as <br />described in 2 C.F.R. § 200.414(f , recipients must have an approved indirect cost rate <br />agreement with their cognizant Federal agency to charge indirect costs to this award. A <br />copy of the approved rate (a fully executed, agreement negotiated with the applicant's <br />cognizant Federal agency) is required at the time of application, and trust be provided to <br />FEMA before isldirect costs are charged to the award. <br />33 <br />FY 2015 EMPG Program <br />