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d Compensation Data Collection will be made by one or more of the following <br />methods. <br />- Pre -survey contact with the selected comparator employers to solicit participation ill <br />the City's compensation survcy(s) <br />Extraction from the pay plans of designated public employers. <br />- Custornized salary survey requests for local governments and other public and <br />private employers, distributed by mail, fax, ,and e-tttail, <br />As desired, additional data extraction from established salary surveys and <br />commercial survey sources such as Watso.11 Wyatt, ERI, etc. <br />c. Data Quality Control includes editing; data for accuracy and ,proper matching to the <br />City's survey benchmark jibs, and phanefFax/E-mail follow=ups for data clarification <br />and to obtain comparators' benchmark job descriptions, <br />3. Prevrrllirag Rates Cialctalativn <br />We will consolidate the compensation data front all sources, enter the information into <br />the EY CC)h P"I'll program, and compute the prevailing; rates, inclusive of cost of living <br />differential,% as the statistical mean of the survey data for each benchmark job class, Data <br />will be projected forward fiorn the date of collection to a common date relating to the <br />City's salary plan year by the annual Prevailing Rate lncrease Factor (PR.I) applicable at <br />that tilne. <br />4. Coin enstrtlon Carta etitiveatess C'ojra tarison <br />We will provide the City with charts comparing its current salary structures to those of <br />the selected public and private comparator employers. We will Calculate the extent that <br />the City's offerings vary front the prevailing rates and practices of other relevant <br />employers. <br />S. Compensation C"ompetitr'.veness PO/Jet <br />We will assist the City to select a compensation competitiveness policy which hest fits its <br />compensation strategy and finaiicial resources, by providing fiscal impact estimates Flt <br />various percentage relationships to the prevailing rates. <br />14 <br />