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welvi%j i clmmy QUI vlkuz. , utral <br />POLICY NUMBER: TB7-Z91-458727-017 <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />CG 20 37 0413 <br />THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />. . . . . . . . .... :M:* 9 A low <br />This endorsement modifies insurance provided kinder the following: <br />COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />PRODUCTSICOMPLETED OPERAI'IQNS LIABILITY COVERAGE PART <br />SCHEDULE <br />Name Of Additional Insured Person(s) <br />ter ,0W n:Jzat io nisl <br />Location And ga,,SriLtion Of Corp gloted-ORerations <br />As specified in a written agreement which is signed <br />it advance of the "oeourrence" or offense for which <br />the additional insured seeks coverage. <br />Information required W COMEfete this Schedule, if not shown i above will be shown in the Declarations. <br />A. Section 11 — Who is An Insured is amended to <br />include as an additional Insured the person(s) or <br />organtzation(s) shown in the Schedue, but only <br />with respect to liability for "bodily injury" or <br />"property darnage" caused, in wl1ole or in part., by <br />"your work" at the location designated and <br />described in the Schedule of this endorsement <br />performed for that additional insured and <br />included in the, "products -completed operations <br />hazard". <br />However: <br />1. The insurance afforded to such additional <br />insured only applies to the extent permitted <br />by law; and <br />.2. If coverage provided to the additional insured <br />is required try a contract or agreement, the <br />insurance afforded to such additional insured <br />will not be broader than that which you are <br />required by the contract or agreement to <br />provide for such additional insured. <br />B. With respect to the insurance afforded to these <br />additional insureds, this following is added to <br />Section III —Limits Of Insurance-, <br />If coverage provided to the additional insured is <br />mquired by a ccol,ract or agreement, the most we <br />will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the <br />arnoun(of insurance: <br />1, Required by the contract or agreement; or <br />2, Available under the applicable Limits of <br />Insurance shown in the Declarations; <br />whichever is less. <br />This endersernent shall not increase the applicaNe <br />Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations, <br />CG 20 37 0413 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc,, 2012 Page I of 1 <br />