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1 Service Express Mail, Federal Express, United Parcel Service, or other expedited delivery service and <br />2 addressed as specified in subparagraph A. above. <br />3 C. For the purposes of this Agreement, any notice to be provided by COUNTY may be given by <br />4 Health Officer. <br />5 <br />6 IV. PAYMENTS <br />7 A. In consideration of the services provided hereunder, including demonstration services, CITY <br />8 agrees to pay COUNTY the fees or rates adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in effect at <br />9 the time that such services were rendered. It is understood by the parties that such fees and rates are <br />10 only for the purpose of meeting COUNTY'S cost associated with providing the services. <br />11 1. COUNTY shall bill CITY for such services and payment to COUNTY should be released <br />12 by CITY no later than thirty (30) days after receipt of the billing form. Failure of CITY to reimburse <br />13 COUNTY may be considered a breach of the terms of this Agreement and may result in termination of <br />14 this Agreement. <br />15 2. COUNTY shall give CITY at least sixty (60) days notice of any change in fees or rates to be <br />16 adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. <br />17 B. CITY may include, in the adoption of its ordinances, the requirement that COUNTY fees or <br />18 rates be paid directly by the facility or business (User) requiring the services in order to begin or <br />19 continue operation, in lieu of CITY. <br />20 1. In cases where User is to pay the fee or rate directly to COUNTY, CITY shall specify in its <br />21 ordinances that such fees or rates shall be those adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in <br />22 effect at the time that such services were rendered. <br />23 2. COUNTY shall bill User for services provided pursuant to CITY ordinances or resolutions. <br />24 CITY shall not be responsible for failure of User to reimburse COUNTY. <br />25 3. COUNTY agrees that collection of such fees or rates shall be accepted as full payment for <br />26 services rendered in lieu of charges that would otherwise be payable by CITY under the provisions of <br />27 this Agreement, <br />28 C. All fees or rates collected by COUNTY from CITY, or Users pursuant to CITY ordinances or <br />29 resolutions, shall be paid to and deposited in the County Treasury and become property of COUNTY. <br />30 <br />31 V. SERVICES <br />32 A. CITY shall designate the Health Officer as the Health Officer of CITY pursuant to Health and <br />33 Safety Code Section 101460. "Health Officer" means the Health Officer, or designee, of the County of <br />34 Orange designated by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. CITY agrees that the Health Officer, or <br />35 designee, shall have all the powers and authority associated with the position of Health Officer within <br />36 CITY and shall, at no cost to COUNTY, have access to any and all information and records as well as <br />37 H <br />4of8 <br />