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E.XHI.BIT 8 <br />Contractor's Section 3 <br />Affirmative Action Plan <br />14 -7513 Pacific Electric Park <br />Project Nrunber and Title <br />The undersigned contractor agrees to implement the following affirmative action steps directed at increasing the <br />utilization of lower income residents and business concerns located within the County of Orange. <br />1. Take affirmative action to ensure that employees or applicants for employment or training are not <br />discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. <br />2. Send a notice of the contractor's Section 3 commitment to each labor organization or representative of <br />workers and post a copy of the notice at a conspicuous place available to employees and applicants for <br />employment or training. <br />3. To the greatest extent feasible, make a good faith effort to recruit for employmend or training lower income <br />residents from the County, and to award contracts to business concerns which are located in or owned m <br />substantial part by persons residing in the County through use of local advertising media, signs placed at the <br />project site and notification to community organizations and public or private institutions operating within or <br />serving the project area such as Service Employment and Redevelopment (SER), Opportunities <br />Industrialization Center (OIC), Urban League, Contracted Employment Program, US, Employment Service, <br />Chamber of Commerce, labor unions, trade associations and business concerns, <br />4. Maintain a file of all low - income area residents who applied for employment or training either on their own or <br />on referral from any source, and the action taken with respect to each area resident. <br />5. Maintain a file of all business concerns located in the County who submitted a bid for work on the project; <br />and the action taken with respect to each bid. <br />6, Maintain records, including copies of correspondence, memoranda, etc., which document that affirmative <br />action steps have been taken. <br />7. Incorporate the Section 3 clause provisions in all subcontracts, <br />Section 3 Affinnative Action Plan, O <br />Address: Street, City, State, Zip , <br />03- 069 -2045 <br />DUNS Number <br />Printed Name <br />President <br />Title <br />23A -33 <br />require subcontractor(s) to submit a <br />Lehman Construction, Inc. <br />Company Name <br />ignre of <br />PO Box 3569 <br />Tustin, CA 92781 <br />Mark Lehman <br />Address: Street, City, State, Zip , <br />03- 069 -2045 <br />DUNS Number <br />Printed Name <br />President <br />Title <br />23A -33 <br />require subcontractor(s) to submit a <br />