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MAYOR <br />Miguel A. Pulldc <br />MAYOR PRO TEM <br />Vicente Sarmiento <br />COUNCILMEMBERS <br />Angelica Amezcua <br />P. David Benevides <br />Michele Martinez <br />Roman Reyna <br />Sal Tinajero <br />December 15, 2016 <br />ADDENDUM No, FOUR <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />20 Civic Center Plaza s P.O. Box 1988 <br />Santa Ana, California 92702 <br />www.santa- ana.oro <br />SUBJECT: PROJECT No. 14 -7518: Pacific Electric Park <br />CITY MANAGER <br />David Cavazos <br />CITY ATTORNEY <br />Sonia R. Carvalho <br />CLERK OF THE COUNCIL <br />Maria D. Hulzar . <br />The following changes have been made to the plans and specifications of the subject <br />project: <br />Plans <br />1. Replace sheet E -5,01 (sheet 66 of 71) with new attached sheet E -5.01. <br />2. Replace sheet E -6.01 (sheet 71 of 71) with new attached sheet E -6.01. <br />9. Sheet E -5.01 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE, TYPE P1, MANUFACTURER <br />AND MODEL NUMBER: Delete existing light pole specification and replace with <br />new light pole specification as follows: <br />Stresscrete #SCL- KD135- G- E80- FBP -C/VV 140 - 25130- ATHH -JES, or approved <br />equal. <br />4. Sheet E -5,01 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE, TYPE P2, MANUFACTURER <br />AND MODEL NUMBER: Delete existing light pole specification and replace with <br />new light pole specification as follows: <br />Stresscrete #SCL-P1 10-APR-G-E80-A THH-JES, or approved equal. <br />Specifications <br />1. Appendix A, Definition of Bid Items, Bid Item No. 9 — Electrical Service — Pole to <br />Point of Connection (POC): revise paragraph to read as follows: <br />Payment for Electrical Service — Pole to Point of Connection (POC) shall be at the <br />contract lump sum bid listed in the Bid Proposal, and shall include full <br />compensation for doing all work, including provision of wire, conduit, coordination to <br />bring in new electrical service from service pole ( "Pole ") to new electrical panel <br />(POC), furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals as required <br />23A -71 <br />