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FULL PACKET_2017-03-21
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-03-21
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3/16/2017 4:15:40 PM
Creation date
3/16/2017 4:02:54 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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obtaining or soliciting retail sales of produce, prepared food, prepackaged food or <br />nonfood sundries. <br />J. "Restocking" means the transfer of food, goods or merchandise to a food <br />vending vehicle from any other person or vehicle and includes, but is not limited to, <br />loading and delivery of food, goods and merchandise. <br />Sec. 36.702. Operational Requirements. <br />A. No person shall own, control, operate, manage, lease, or contract with any <br />other person for the operation of a food vending vehicle in the City without a valid <br />business license issued, in addition to any other license or permit required under any <br />other chapter of this code, for each and every food vending vehicle. <br />B. All operators shall comply with the following regulations: <br />1. Each operator vending any produce or other food item shall comply <br />with all County of Orange Health Care Agency requirements for mobile food facilities, as <br />well as all required food handling permits. Each operator shall possess and at all times <br />display such permits in conspicuous view upon each vending vehicle. <br />2. Each operator shall possess and at all times display in conspicuous <br />view upon each such vehicle a City business license. <br />3. Every food vending vehicle shall have the name, address, and <br />telephone number of the holder of the business license permanently affixed on both the <br />left and right sides of the vehicle. Such information shall be in letters and numerals not <br />less than four inches in height and shall be in contrast to the color of the background <br />upon which the letters are placed. <br />4. No additional lighting other than that required by the California <br />Vehicle Code may be installed or operated on a food vending vehicle. No food <br />vending vehicle that is stopped, parked or standing on any street, alley, or highway <br />shall display flashing neon or electronic display signs or visual displays that are <br />intended to, or do in fact, distract drivers and draw attention to the food vending <br />vehicle. <br />5. No operator of a food vending vehicle shall operate any sound <br />amplification systems or other sound making devices or music systems to advertise, <br />draw attention to, or announce the presence of any such vehicle while such vehicle is <br />moving, stopped, standing, or parked upon any public or private street. <br />6. No owner or operator of a vending vehicle shall permit vending <br />within five hundred (500) feet from a school, park, community center or public <br />playground facility.. <br />Ordinance No. NS -XXXX <br />Page 4 <br />11A -18 <br />
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