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FULL PACKET_2017-03-21
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2017-03-21
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3/16/2017 4:15:40 PM
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3/16/2017 4:02:54 PM
City Clerk
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Clerk of the Council
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Authorize Urgent Repairs to the Third and Birch Parking Structure, First Street Bridge over Santa <br />Ana River, Safety Wall adjacent to Railroad Tracks, and Drainage Channel Sinkhole South of <br />First Street <br />March 21, 2017 <br />Page 2 <br />b) The second urgent repair is to the First Street Bridge over the Santa Ana River (Exhibit 2). <br />A fire that was allegedly caused by transients living at the southwest bank of the river <br />resulted in structural damage to the underside of the bridge. A structural engineer was <br />immediately engaged to assess the damage and make the area temporarily safe. The <br />bridge repairs require structural engineering inspection and oversight before resuming full <br />regular use. The cost to repair the bridge and provide structural engineering is not <br />expected to exceed $50,000. <br />c) The third location is a partial collapse of the Safety Wall between the railroad tracks and <br />adjacent residential properties near the intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Beechwood <br />Street (Exhibit 3). The recent rain activity weakened the wall footings which resulted in the <br />wall's partial collapse. Staff has already provided temporary measures to make the area <br />safe. The permanent repairs will be coordinated with the Southern California Regional <br />Rail Authority ( SCRRA - railroad operator) due to the close proximity to the railroad tracks. <br />SCRRA may require additional engineering and repairs to an adjacent 4- foot -wide <br />drainage channel. Staff will assess the drainage issues and report them back separately. <br />The cost to rebuild the safety walls is not expected to exceed $40,000. <br />d) The fourth location is a drainage channel which runs east and west, parallel to and south <br />of First Street. The mobile home park located at 4080 W. First Street drains to the rear <br />and into the subject channel. The channel walls are collapsing and the adjacent mobile <br />homes are in danger of becoming undermined by a sinkhole that has developed (Exhibit <br />4). Staff recommends the voids filled with slurry cement material followed by structural <br />concrete slab replacements at a cost not to exceed $30,000. Long -term channel <br />rehabilitation will be necessary, and staff will be engaging a consultant to perform a <br />detailed analysis for future permanent repairs. <br />The urgent repairs at the four locations identified above may be completed most rapidly by <br />performing the work on a design -build contract basis and by engaging a well- equipped contractor <br />with the knowledge and capabilities to perform structural building and structural site work. Arnaz <br />Engineering Contractors, Inc., is mobilized in the City for construction work on the Walnut Pump <br />Station project and is immediately available to perform these additional repairs. <br />Work carried out on a design -build basis limits costs to time and material pricing methods. That <br />means costs paid by the City would be capped to actual costs and quantities of materials used by <br />the contractor at standard materials pricing, and limited to actual man -hours worked at standard <br />prevailing wage rates (Exhibit 5). This contractor will also be passing on savings to the City <br />because they are already mobilized and working for the City. Staff is prepared to take detailed <br />inspection notes and accounting of materials and labor consumed to monitor progress and billing. <br />Time and material contracting is industry accepted, is considered a neutral method by <br />agencies /owners and construction contractors, and is typical of emergency contract work. <br />20A -2 <br />
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