<br />KNOW ALL MENBY TIM, 9E PMSENTS, THAT North American Spacial17 Insurance Company, s corporatlon dully organized and existing under
<br />laws of the State of New Ilampyhire, and having its priticipal office in the City of Manchester, Now 1lampshlre, and Washington, International
<br />Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Hampshire and having its princilial office in the City of
<br />Schaumburg, Illinois, each does hereby make, constitute and appoint;
<br />and MA`I'TIJEW R. DOBYNS
<br />Its true and lawful Attorney(s)-iii-Fact, to matce, execute, seal aaid deliver, for and on its behalf and as its act and deed, bonds or other writhtgs
<br />obligatory in the nature of a bond on behali'ofctach of said Companies, as surety, oil contracts of suretyship as are or .may be required or permitted by
<br />law, regulation, contract or otherwise, provided that no bond or unc{ertaleing or oontraot or suretyship oxsouted under this authority shall exceed the
<br />amount of. FIFTY MILLION ($50,000,000.00) DOLLARS
<br />This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed.'by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolutions adoptedby the Boards of
<br />DIme-tors of botli North American Specialty lusul"atree Company aild Washingto'tn intornational Iansuranea Company at =o dugs duly Called and held
<br />on the 9t1i of May, 2052:
<br />"RESOLVED, that any two of -the Presidents, oily Managing Director, any Senior Vice President, any Vice Prosident, any Assistant Vice Presidcri,
<br />the Secretary or Any Assistant Secretary be, annd each. or any of them .hereby Is authorized to execute a Power of Attorney qualifying the attorney nal!?ad
<br />In the giV6n Dower of Attonley to execute on behalf of the Company bonds, undertakings and all Contracts of surety, and that each or any of then]
<br />hereby is authorized to attest to the execution. of any such Power of Attorney and to attach thereln the seal of the Company; and it is
<br />Fi.Tft.TIUIt RESOLVED, that the signature of such oftscei,s and the seal of the Company may be afTmed to any such Trower of Attorney or to any
<br />ccrdficate rra.lating thereto by facsimile, and any sulch Powcr of Attorney or ccrtificato bearing such facsimile signatures or facsitnile sell shall be
<br />bluding upon the Company whelT so affixed and in the future with regard to any band, undertaking or conh'aot of surety to which it Is attached,"
<br />y�y��aypSJTy�tl�ii`i HUue6nu e
<br />�tR�. 11yi
<br />9 _... _..._.............
<br />SOL to ti f37uvun 11. Andurnnn, tiaxilnr Vlea FraeidenE of Wnuhinglan TrstuVualluun] rtrsurunun CnprpurrY L
<br />leas m&amdorVlnoFruaidentaMOLLhhmu�tcan*9peeialtyblouaucocumpnny #
<br />A�©
<br />ri11c]Anol A, 710, art m' cu ron un a tta t n� niA n ennui ami nsurnncli'—""'—eZo>itpnuq �lfwlutl6�
<br />& Seel or Vko Prosldarul orNoj* AmoA7enn Speclolty fnsurnnee Compniq
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, North Annerioan Specialty Tus3Tranee Connpalay and Washingtoli Intorliational Insurance Company 1Tavo caused their
<br />official seals to he hereunto affixed, and these presents to be signed by their authorized oYflcers this 10th day of May , 2016 ,
<br />North American Specialty Insurance Company
<br />Washingtont lnternational insurance Company
<br />State of Illinois
<br />Coulaty Of Cook 98'
<br />oil this lOtit clay ofMay , 2016 , i7afore me, it Notary Public personally appeared Steven P, Andersoo, Senior VieePresldent of
<br />Washington International Insurance Colnnpatiy and Senior Vice President of North American Specialty Insurance Company and Michael A, Ito ,
<br />Senior Vice President of Washington Iriternatlonal Insurance Company and Senior Vice President of North Americaa Specialty Insurance
<br />Company, personally known to me, who being by me duly sworn, acknowledged that they signed the above Power of Attorney as officers ofand
<br />aclanowledged said iustromont to be the voluntary act and deed of their respective companies,
<br />WHO 1. HEAL
<br />M KENNY
<br />NOTARY Pll9ll0, STATE QF' iWN01g
<br />W COMM15SION UPIRES t 19017
<br />M. xvnny, Notary Ty'ubtlt
<br />I; efllay, tltn]d>zerLr� _the duly cleated Asslstant Scoietar,3r of North American Spocitiity xllsl.s.ratneta Cbr npaiky and Washington
<br />International Insurance Company, do hay eby certify that that the above and foregoing is a true and oorrect copy of e PotivcR of Attorney given by said North
<br />Amerioan Specialty Insonate Company and Washington Intornational insuralnce Company, which is still In full force and effect,
<br />IN W YN.ESS WHEREOF, I have set any hand and affixed the seals of the Companies this 6th dkv of DQoomber , 20 16
<br />7ePFray aaldberg, t+ire prceiduul,� Auslsinnt 8earotnry 0P
<br />VVushinglon ]ukemm�fonnl lasarmme Ceiuppfty & North Anlericnn ,5peclally tnsurnnnA 9omtmny
<br />