<br />A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the Identity
<br />of the individual who signed the document to which this certificate is attached,
<br />and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of that document,
<br />,Mate of California
<br />County of }
<br />On before rile, C(audia Cochran, Notary Public
<br />ti -lura Rawl ram an e o a a car
<br />personally appeared ----Ronnie Cochran
<br />who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person (-$J� whose
<br />name(&) isles subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that
<br />hele�executed the same in his/14wlth& authorized capaclty�W&), and that by
<br />hls/4",�tKeir signature(s-) on the instrument the person(4 or the entity upon behalf of
<br />which the person(s) acted, execrated trig Instrument.
<br />certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the Mate of California that
<br />the foregoing paragraph is true and corrector,
<br />WITNESS my hand and official seal.
<br />Iota f Crit 1pature
<br />(Notary PuNio Soal)
<br />ADDITIONAL AL, i l�"N"It IL IE d DRI lAT1DN INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETINGTHIS HIS FORM Tlri,sform romi)Revwuth current C'rtlffornla,rhmatss ragardingnotaly wonting ancl,
<br />DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if'nearled, ihoidd be rontlVeted and attached ao The elocumeut. Ae nowledgmerit.s
<br />f •ono atke:r• suites xray be crrmplefedjir d000njenty heing sent to lha! .suite so longs
<br />as the wor'[i ug dcc,6 not r°eala€ir o the C'al(fornia noletry to Wokite C'alrfornla notary
<br />_ law,
<br />(Thio or description of allarhed document) M Stater rand r:outtty inforanatloa uiuyt be the State tmd Coutrty wlaero the document
<br />6igner(s) porsoiially apticarod beforo the notnay public for acknowledgment.
<br />- . T,'tate of notaarizatfon must bo the dote that the signers) porsounity appeared which
<br />(Title ordoscrlpticn of attached document continued) inttst afao be this shine data the ackimwIedginent is eaaailtl W,
<br />• Tho notary public must print .his or her nartae as it aplaears wititin hie or her
<br />�Number of Pages m , Document Date_ commission raltowed by a commas and then your title. (notary publie),
<br />� • Print the namc(s) of docutilent aigncr(a) who personally al7petrr at the little or
<br />noratria�rNcrn,
<br />CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER • Indkc,iae die correct r;irasular or phirel forms by orassing oft' interred forms (i.e.
<br />IYIdIVIdUaI t3} ltelsheltli 18 We ) DI, circling ilte correct Furnas. Failure to corl.ectly indic ale titin
<br />information may lead to rejeatiou of doeumorit rteaording,
<br />❑ Corporate Officer s Tito notary seal irilprassian rintst 11tH altar and pltotagraphically rcprcrducible.
<br />ttripressiorl must riot cover text or linos, if sealimpression smudges, re»seal if a
<br />(Title) sutliaicnt az ca;aernaits, oihcrwisa c€ inlalete a diffibrent arkmowtOgincut form.
<br />11 f I trtC,'t (5) a Signature of the, natary public mu€€t match the signature on lilt whir tttc of
<br />Vie county clerk.
<br />:i Attorl1oywiri-Fact •s Additional information is nm required but could help to ensure thio
<br />I:] Trustee(s) acknowledginott is not. misused or attatclied to a different document,
<br />Other � — ^ 0 hrdicatz 60o, or type oratWahed dachas tit, rtu€rrber of pgcs anal date.
<br />v Indicate the capacity r1ahmed by tie signer. If the claimed rapacity is a
<br />uagitwaato othccsr, rntlirarte the, title (Le' CEO, CFO, Secretary),
<br />e Securoly artaclt this docurrivnt to Slee sibncd document with i, ,swple.
<br />COMM # 20968$2
<br />PIAN, 30, 2019
<br />(Notary PuNio Soal)
<br />ADDITIONAL AL, i l�"N"It IL IE d DRI lAT1DN INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETINGTHIS HIS FORM Tlri,sform romi)Revwuth current C'rtlffornla,rhmatss ragardingnotaly wonting ancl,
<br />DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT if'nearled, ihoidd be rontlVeted and attached ao The elocumeut. Ae nowledgmerit.s
<br />f •ono atke:r• suites xray be crrmplefedjir d000njenty heing sent to lha! .suite so longs
<br />as the wor'[i ug dcc,6 not r°eala€ir o the C'al(fornia noletry to Wokite C'alrfornla notary
<br />_ law,
<br />(Thio or description of allarhed document) M Stater rand r:outtty inforanatloa uiuyt be the State tmd Coutrty wlaero the document
<br />6igner(s) porsoiially apticarod beforo the notnay public for acknowledgment.
<br />- . T,'tate of notaarizatfon must bo the dote that the signers) porsounity appeared which
<br />(Title ordoscrlpticn of attached document continued) inttst afao be this shine data the ackimwIedginent is eaaailtl W,
<br />• Tho notary public must print .his or her nartae as it aplaears wititin hie or her
<br />�Number of Pages m , Document Date_ commission raltowed by a commas and then your title. (notary publie),
<br />� • Print the namc(s) of docutilent aigncr(a) who personally al7petrr at the little or
<br />noratria�rNcrn,
<br />CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER • Indkc,iae die correct r;irasular or phirel forms by orassing oft' interred forms (i.e.
<br />IYIdIVIdUaI t3} ltelsheltli 18 We ) DI, circling ilte correct Furnas. Failure to corl.ectly indic ale titin
<br />information may lead to rejeatiou of doeumorit rteaording,
<br />❑ Corporate Officer s Tito notary seal irilprassian rintst 11tH altar and pltotagraphically rcprcrducible.
<br />ttripressiorl must riot cover text or linos, if sealimpression smudges, re»seal if a
<br />(Title) sutliaicnt az ca;aernaits, oihcrwisa c€ inlalete a diffibrent arkmowtOgincut form.
<br />11 f I trtC,'t (5) a Signature of the, natary public mu€€t match the signature on lilt whir tttc of
<br />Vie county clerk.
<br />:i Attorl1oywiri-Fact •s Additional information is nm required but could help to ensure thio
<br />I:] Trustee(s) acknowledginott is not. misused or attatclied to a different document,
<br />Other � — ^ 0 hrdicatz 60o, or type oratWahed dachas tit, rtu€rrber of pgcs anal date.
<br />v Indicate the capacity r1ahmed by tie signer. If the claimed rapacity is a
<br />uagitwaato othccsr, rntlirarte the, title (Le' CEO, CFO, Secretary),
<br />e Securoly artaclt this docurrivnt to Slee sibncd document with i, ,swple.
<br />