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RECORDED AT THP; REQUEST <br />WHEN\' RECORDED Will. TO; <br />County of Orange <br />CEOIReaI Estate <br />360 North Flower <br />Santa Ann, California 92703 <br />Mail Tax Statements as shown above <br />Q Unincorporated Area <br />ED Incorporated City of Newport Boatch <br />EXMBIT E <br />Easement Deed <br />EXHIBIT E <br />This is to cer'tiry that tugs document is exempt rroiu <br />recording fees per Govt. Code Sec. 273$3 and is exempt froln <br />Documentary Transfer Tax per Rev, & Taxation Code Sec. <br />11922. <br />By: <br />9InNATl3[LL'.QrDPs'Ihk.4 d'OR AtlPS7ibr•"rF..&M1N7tJtl'rA:ti <br />Parcel info.: F01-215, FOI- <br />Projact: San ricut llnlhi Diversion Channel <br />EASEMENT AMENDMENT DEED <br />FOI2 A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which iq hereby acknowledged, this amendment <br />(` AwLndment'7 to that certain Casement Deed dated and recorded on August S, 1961 in Boot: 5362, Page 311 of <br />the Official Records of Orange County, California ("Fas®meat') attached hereto as Iftir 0it C is entered into by <br />and between <br />COUNTY OF ORANGE, <br />a political subdivision of the State of California, its successors and Assigns <br />(heteinailer referred to as "GRANTOR '% <br />and the <br />ORANGE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, <br />(a body corporate and politic, hereinafter referred to as "DISTRICT")(GRANTOR and DISTRICT may <br />sotnctimes hereinafter fro individually referred to as "Party" or jointly as "Parties"). <br />RFiCfI'AL <br />1. Pursuant to die Easement, DISTRICT holds a pet•pctual easement and right of way for flood conttnt <br />purposes in, over and across that certain real. property identifted and described in that document as the <br />eascment area within Parcel F01-21,5. Pursuant to these Easement rights, DISTRICT operates and <br />maintains its flood control facility known as the Santa Ana -Delhi Diversion Channel, Facility No. F01 (the <br />'`Facility'). <br />Page I of 7 <br />Santa .Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 Page 58 of 69 <br />