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EXHIBIT E <br />D. ADD SELL ON 2 <br />The following is hereby added to the Easement as Section 2: <br />Section 2. All notices, documents, correspondence, and communications concerning the perpetual <br />easement shall be addressed as set forth in this paragraph, or as the parties may hereafter designate by <br />written notice, and shall be sent through the United States mail, duly registered or certified with postage <br />prepaid. Any such mailing shall be deemed served or delivereci Nrenty-four (24) hours atter mailing. Each <br />party may change the address for notices by giving the other party at least ten (10) calendar days prior <br />written notice of the new address. Notwithstanding the above, a party may also provide notices, <br />documents, correspondence, or such other communications to the other party by personal delivery or <br />regular mail and, so given, shall be deemed to have been given upon receipt if provided by personal <br />dehverT or forty-eight (48) hours after mailing if provided by regular trail. <br />If to GRANTOR- County of Orange <br />clo John Wayne Airport <br />Airport Director <br />3160 Airway Avenue <br />Costa Mesa, CA 92626 <br />Facsimile: (949) 252-5174 <br />RE: Santa Ana-Delhi.Divcrsion Project <br />rf to I)IS'TRICr: Oram County Flood Control District clo <br />Director, OC Public Works <br />P. O. Box 4048 <br />RE: D15-013 Santa, Ana -Delhi Diversion (1701) <br />Santa Ana, CA 92702-4048 <br />E, ADD SECTION 3 <br />The following is hereby add"A to the Easement as Section 3: <br />Socti.on 3. GRANTOR. agrees that it shall not grant any surface, subsurface or acrial rights in the <br />Easement Area as mill unreasonably interfere with or prohibit the use by DISTUICT of the rights and <br />easementherein granted. <br />GRANTOR reserves all rights compatible with and not prejudicial to DISTRICT' exercise <br />of the rights and easement herein granted; provided, no improvements shall be constructed, placed or <br />permitted within, upon, under or above the Easement Area until such construction and/or maintenance <br />plans have first been approved in writing by the Airport Director and the Director of Public Works of <br />County of Orange or their designees. Director approval of GRANTOR"s plans shalt not be deemed <br />approval from the standpoint of structural safety, suitability for purpose or conformance with building or <br />other codes or other governmental requirements. <br />F. ADD SECTION 4 <br />The following is hereby added to the Easement as Section 4: <br />Section 4. FAA CONDMONS AND RESERVATIONS <br />A. COUNTY hereby reserves unto itself and its operator Jolut Wayne Aitport, and their respective <br />successors and assigns, for the use and benefit of the public, a right of flight for the passage of aircraft in the <br />airspace above the surface of the above described real property, together with the right to cause in said. <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 Page 60 of 69 <br />