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EXHIBIT E <br />I. ADD SrCTION 7 <br />The following section is hereby added to the Easement as Section 7. <br />Section 7. COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATORY AUTHORITIES <br />DISTRICT shall, at its own cost and expense, promptly and at all time,, observe, comply with and <br />carry out all present and future orders, regula:uo3ta, directions, rules, laws, ordinances, permits and <br />requirements of all governmental authorities, including but not limited to environmental regulatory <br />authorities, with jurisdiction in, on, over and about the Easement Area, which arise from DISTRICT'S <br />use of or performance of any activities perneitted to be, conducted in, on, over, or across the Easement <br />Area. <br />In addition, DISTRICT slrall ensure that all activities in, on, over or about the Easement Area are <br />performed in accordance with any NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge: Elimination System) permit <br />requirements or other water quality statutes, regulations, ordinances, or permits, applicable to suah <br />activities, including but not limited to use of appropriate; best management practices, so as to ensure <br />that pollutants are not discltargcd into the Channel nor into the flood control system. <br />Prior to the start of any construction activity, DISTRICT` shalt provide Airport Director and Director of <br />Public Works a copy of their Water Quality Management plan (),QMl'} for approval. <br />No approvals or consents given hereunder by COUNTY, as a party to this Easement shall be deemed <br />approval as to compliance or conformance with appt€cable governmental codes, laws, rules or <br />regulations. <br />Signature Purge Follows <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Santa Ana -Delhi Channel Diversion Project Agreement D15-013 Page 62 of 69 <br />