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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />DIGITAL MAP Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />PRODUCTS <br />along with other third party software and systems developed internally by the Assessor. DMP products are <br />used as the primary visual interface to the Assessor system for both internal desktop and field computing' <br />applications. DMP also provides a full complement of onsite data which includes parcel boundaries, current <br />and historic aerial imagery. DMP has been a preferred provider to the Orange County Assessor since 2005 and <br />worked with the Assessor to showcase their award -winning solutions throughout the State of California. <br />Sponsor: Kenn Dobson <br />Orange County Assessor <br />625 N. Ross <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />714.568.9849 <br />City of San Juan Capistrano, CA <br />The City of San Juan Capistrano was provided with a GovClarity'" subscription to access the Orange County <br />Parcel and Right -of -Way database, property ownership information, Thomas Bros. Maps digital database, 3" <br />color imagery, environmental geo-hazards database and black and white high resolution orthophotography, <br />Along with these base data sets, the city has posted data including water, sewer, and storm drains, created by <br />outside consultants as well as providing the city s zoning designations in digital format for access by <br />developers. GovClarity'" works in parallel with the city's minimal number of existing ArcView licenses as the <br />enterprise wide deployment solution for staff to access the city's data. Staff members throughout the <br />organization access the city's GIS data over the Internet at their desktops and the public counter. <br />Sponsor: James Fournier <br />GIS Specialist <br />City of San Juan Capistrano <br />32400 Paseo Adelanto <br />San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 <br />949.487.4314 <br />City of Mission Viejo, CA <br />The City of Mission Viejo has been a client of DMP since 1999. This city was provided with a GovClarity— <br />subscription to access the Orange County Parcel and Right -of -Way database, property ownership information, <br />3" color imagery for their internal GIS and CommunityView'" for their community -facing application. DMP <br />131Page <br />