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City of Santa Ana Public <br />Public Works Agency <br />PROPOSAL - RFP 17-002 <br />DIGITAL MAP Geographic Information Systems Services and Data <br />PRODUCTS <br />GovClarity— meets and exceeds this requirement with buffer and notification <br />tools. <br />The hosted map based application will allow the user to query the tax roll <br />data on a custom selection of attributes and output the resulting list in a <br />variety of formats. <br />GovClarity' meets and exceeds this requirement. <br />The hosted map based application will provide up to 15 years of property <br />transaction history. <br />GovClarity^ meets and exceeds this requirement, maintaining more than 15 <br />years of property transaction history. <br />o Hazard Layers —The vendor will provide various government created hazard layers and <br />update them as needed/requested. (Seismic, Fire, Flood, Manmade, etc.) <br />GovClarity" meets and exceeds this requirement with hazard layers including seismic, <br />fire, flood, manmade and more. <br />o Census Layers —The vendor will add new census geography layers as they are released. <br />(Tract, Block Group and Block level data.) <br />GovClarity°` meets and exceeds this requirement — all updated layers are immediately <br />available to the end user through the application interface. <br />o Custom shapefiles —The hosted map based application will allow the loading of custom <br />shapefiles for display. Administrators will be able to load files for all users to view. <br />Individual users will be able to load shapefiles for personal use on their user account. <br />GovClarity' meets and exceeds this requirement. Users an load custom shapefiles for <br />personal use on their account or to be shared with other users, and administrators an <br />load custom shapefiles for use in their personal account, -or shared for all users to view. <br />o The application will offer various symbolization choices for layers: colors, line styles, <br />point symbols, etc. <br />GovClarity' meets and exceeds this requirement with robust symbolization. <br />Features / Tools <br />• The hosted map based application will offer various markup / drawing and measurement tools, <br />including the ability to draw a rectangle using two points of input. <br />GovClarityTM meets and exceeds this requirement with robust drawing tools, enhanced with the <br />ability to draw a rectangle using two points of Input. <br />18(Page <br />