(ii) Certificates of insurance shall be Furnished to the City upon execution of
<br />this Age cmont and steal] be approved by the City,
<br />(iii) Certificates and policies shall surto that the policies shrill riot bcs cancelled
<br />or reduced in coverage or clti ngod in any other material rtsput, by
<br />consultant, without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City,
<br />(iv) Contractor shall stimly City with a fully execute,(] additional 111sttred
<br />endorse inent,
<br />f If Contractor thils or rdusc;s to produce or rna.i.atain the insurance: required by this
<br />section or Nis or refuses to furnish the City with required proof,' that insr,nince
<br />hm been procured and is in force and }paid for, they City shall have the right, cit the
<br />City's election, to Forthwith torrttinate this Agreement. Such termination shall not
<br />a.ft'ec.t. Contuactor's right to b,- paid for its time: road niaterials expe;tAclud prior to
<br />notification. of" toTmination. Contreeictor wa.ivcs the rio it. to receive conrpensatio.tti
<br />and agrees to indennnify the City -t'or an.y work perrfon-reed prior to approval of
<br />insurranco by the City,
<br />C,otit:ractor agrees to de-lead, and shall in leinnif`y and hold liarnal.ess the City, its officers,
<br />agents, employe cs, consultants, special counsel, and representative;., from. liability: (1.) For
<br />persorlul injury, damages, just cotnperxsation, restitut:i.on, judicial or equitable relief arising out. of
<br />efiairns ibr personal injury, inclodirrg d.c;rtth, and clahus for property damage, which may arise
<br />fiotrr the negligent opcutioar, of the Contractor or its contractors, subcoutrtactors, agents,
<br />ernploye;crs, or other porsons acting on their behalf which relates to thQ scrvic;Gs &-soribed in
<br />section l of"this, Agreement, ;:and (2) from any chair that persolial injury, d.arnages, ust .
<br />cornpensEation, restitution, kidicial or egtritable reslie:f is dire by reason of the terms oF o r offer: is
<br />arising from this Agreement, This indemnity and ]cold harmless agreernent applies to all daim.s
<br />-for damages, just compensation, restiftrtic,r•r., judicial or equitable re:lic;I's tdffered, or alleged to
<br />have been wf"ered, by reason of the evetats refe;,rred to in this Soction or by reason of tile tcrols
<br />o f, or cfFects, arisin', froun this Agreement. The Contractors Pur(hor tagrecs to irade;trrnify, held
<br />htarinless, and pay all oasts for the defense of the City, including fees and costs for Spey I41
<br />cminsel to lac: se;lc;cted by the City, regavding any action by a third party cl al.longiag the; validity
<br />of this Agree177e11t, or avorting that per;soaal injury, clainagk; s, just compensation, restaution,
<br />judicial or ereltritable relief due to porsonal or property rights arises by reason oitho tants of, or
<br />dfects evising froin this .A roornent. City may make all rertsowiblc decisions with respect to its
<br />rc,jAcsentcation in any logal proceeding. Notwithstanding the lbregoing, to tic extent Contraf,,tor's
<br />,services ani subjeet to Civil codo Soc:tion 2782.1, the; above; indemnity shall be lirnited, to the
<br />extc;at required by Civil Cade, Section 2782,8, to c4inor that Guise of, pertain to, or relate to iho
<br />negligcncc, r•ccklossness, or willful tni:;conduct of the Contractor,
<br />11 ug'?, 4 of 9
<br />251-2a
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